[Opinions] Seraphine and Seraphina
Which one do you prefer? Seraphine or SeraphinaDo you like the names?Do you prefer Serafina over Seraphina?
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I like Seraphina better. It seems more complete.
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I love Seraphina but I think Seraphine would work better as a middle name. I like the spellings of Seraphina / Serafina equally so it kinda depends on the day. At the moment I prefer Seraphina.
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I love Seraphina and Seraphine very much. They are both gorgeous names and it's difficult for me to choose, so I would pick Seraphina. Serafina is ok, but it's not my style.
My combos:
Seraphina Lily or Lily Seraphina
Seraphina Lillian
Seraphina Camille
Seraphina Zoe or Zoe Seraphina
Seraphina Celeste
Seraphina Noelle
Seraphina Florence
Seraphina Faith (It's pretty corny lol using 2 biblical names)
Serephina Gwendolyn
Seraphina Violet
Seraphina MaeSeraphine Violet
Seraphine Juliet
Seraphine Olivia
Seraphine Mae
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I’ve liked Seraphine for a long time now, and I like it much more than Seraphina, which I think is too frilly. I also prefer Seraphina to Serafina. Replacing “ph” in a name with “f” kinda cheapens it, in a way, unless it’s the original spelling.
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I prefer Seraphine to Seraphina, and I prefer Serafina to Seraphina.I'm not a huge fan of any of these names, mostly because I don't like Sera/Sara/Sarah. I have many terrible associations with that name. Seraphine is ok, but it just feels too religious and too celebrity baby.
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I prefer the French variant, Seraphine, to Seraphina as I think it's less overdone. Julia Seraphine was a stock combo I had for a long time, and I still really like it; but I'd be extremely unlikely to use either variant as a first name.I used to think the South African variant Sarafina looked best, but now I prefer the PH to the F.
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