[Opinions] Re: Sylvestra / Silvestra
in reply to a message by Bear
Sylvestra is so pretty, and has all features that I like in a name. It never stays very high on my radar; I always have to remind myself of its existence.
I too prefer it to Sylvester. Sylvest with no suffix is a family
surname for me, and I think it’s quite attractive
I think I like a romantic interpretation.
Sylvestra Rose
Nora Sylvestra
Sylvestra Josephine
Vivian Sylvestra
Olga Sylvestra

I too prefer it to Sylvester. Sylvest with no suffix is a family
surname for me, and I think it’s quite attractive
I think I like a romantic interpretation.
Sylvestra Rose
Nora Sylvestra
Sylvestra Josephine
Vivian Sylvestra
Olga Sylvestra