[Opinions] JHC
In honor of Father’s Day, how would you name your son using the initials JHC?

This message was edited 6/21/2020, 9:45 AM
Job Hector Ciaran
Job and Hector are two of my favorites.
Job and Hector are two of my favorites.
Joshua Harrison Caleb
Jordan Heath Christopher or Jericho Hudson Cash
Jonathan Harris Cormac
Jesse Hugo Cedar.
Jarvis Heath Christian
James Henry Christopher
Julian Henry/Hamish Casper
I would definitely use that combo in real life!
I would definitely use that combo in real life!
Hamish is best
Jasper Hugo Cyrus
Not keen on the flow...
Not keen on the flow...
Jack Hugo Carter
Jules Harrison Caspar/Conrad
James Hamish Clarence
Jago Hamish Caspian
For my dad’s initials I’d use Ambrose Benjamin Marlowe.
For my dad’s initials I’d use Ambrose Benjamin Marlowe.
Johannes Horatio Cecil + question
What (or who) is JHC? I tried googling it, but to no avail. Also, just for the record, I mean Cecil as in SES-il.
What (or who) is JHC? I tried googling it, but to no avail. Also, just for the record, I mean Cecil as in SES-il.
Jack Hudson Carter
Or maybe Joshua Henry Carson
Or maybe Joshua Henry Carson
Joel Henry Carson
Jon Hilarion Correaux
James Hudson Casper
Joel Hayes Christopher
Joel Hugo Conrad, nn Joe
Julian Hunter Cecil
Jolyon Horatio Clement
Josiah Henri Caesario
John Homer Claude
Joachim Henry Charles
Jack Henry Calvin