[Opinions] Celebrity Baby Names
Do celebrities inspired you one way or another? Has Violet, Maddox, or True gone up or down in your books?
I've found myself becoming increasingly annoyed at all the "Finn" type names out there since this name has been on & off my list for years! Yet, I still think we'll use it or are names sort of inspired by celebrities themselves, Harrison & Kiefer. Thoughts (not necessarily about my names)?
Our second wedding anniversary
Do celebrities inspired you one way or another? Has Violet, Maddox, or True gone up or down in your books?
I've found myself becoming increasingly annoyed at all the "Finn" type names out there since this name has been on & off my list for years! Yet, I still think we'll use it or are names sort of inspired by celebrities themselves, Harrison & Kiefer. Thoughts (not necessarily about my names)?

Yes, I have a dream of one day being the mother of an adorable baby girl named CrimeFighter. Alright, j/k. ;P The only instances I think of when I was influenced to like a name because of a celebrity were
Clara- Ewan McGregor's daughter's name. The name Clara always reminded me of the girl in Heidi. I think the McGregor's giving their girl the name helped to bring it into real life for me.
Kiefer- Yeah, after Kiefer Sutherland. Only the good association has had to compete with the fact that the name sounds way too much like a thick milk beverage.
Russell- Dates back to the first Russell Crowe movie I saw. Not that I'm a fan of Russell Crowe, although he is a tremendous actor. I guess his having the name just brought it to my attention.
Suri- Yes, I like the name. I don't like Tom and I can't stand Katie, but since they're celebrities and everyone in the civilized world has the privelege of knowing their kid's name, I learned it and liked it.
Most of the celebrity "creativity" in baby-naming hasn't gone over well with me at all. Things like Apple and True and Moon Unit just don't inspire.
I'll walk with God, I'll take His hand.
I'll talk with God, He'll understand.
I'll pray to Him, each day to Him
And He'll hear the words that I say.
His hand will guide my throne and rod
And I'll never walk alone
While I walk with God.
Clara- Ewan McGregor's daughter's name. The name Clara always reminded me of the girl in Heidi. I think the McGregor's giving their girl the name helped to bring it into real life for me.
Kiefer- Yeah, after Kiefer Sutherland. Only the good association has had to compete with the fact that the name sounds way too much like a thick milk beverage.
Russell- Dates back to the first Russell Crowe movie I saw. Not that I'm a fan of Russell Crowe, although he is a tremendous actor. I guess his having the name just brought it to my attention.
Suri- Yes, I like the name. I don't like Tom and I can't stand Katie, but since they're celebrities and everyone in the civilized world has the privelege of knowing their kid's name, I learned it and liked it.
Most of the celebrity "creativity" in baby-naming hasn't gone over well with me at all. Things like Apple and True and Moon Unit just don't inspire.
I'll walk with God, I'll take His hand.
I'll talk with God, He'll understand.
I'll pray to Him, each day to Him
And He'll hear the words that I say.
His hand will guide my throne and rod
And I'll never walk alone
While I walk with God.
I honestly don't care what celebrities are naming their children--most of the time, the names they choose aren't my names anyway. My tastes aren't so close to the mainstream that I need to worry too much about whether Gwyneth or Madonna's going to ruin one of my absolute favourites.
What mostly annoys me about celebrity baby names is that people care so damn much about them. I really don't give a shit what Angelina names her kid, and having columnists speculate about that kind of stuff (or worse yet, bemoan the terrible tastes of this or that celeb, whose taste comes close to my own) irritates me.
I do follow my favourite actors and actresses, but that's simply because I've grown fond of them--particularly when they're good people on top of being very talented. But then, if I really like an actor, I'll know far more than just what their kids are named.
I also don't find celebrities themselves inspirational when it comes to names. My focus, however, is generally on the character an actor plays rather than the name s/he bears. I can think of dozens of cases in which that's true--I'd use Juniper or Imogene "Idgie" long before Mary Stuart, for example (or Stardust over David, ha). There are very rare cases when I really value the celeb more than the names of the characters s/he played. In fact, the only case I can think of is Gilda Radner--but then, her name appeals to me on several levels, rather than simply the "star quality" in it.
Array (not a particularly insightful response, but that wasn't a particularly insightful article--it evens out)
On the end of the world: There will be snacks.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
What mostly annoys me about celebrity baby names is that people care so damn much about them. I really don't give a shit what Angelina names her kid, and having columnists speculate about that kind of stuff (or worse yet, bemoan the terrible tastes of this or that celeb, whose taste comes close to my own) irritates me.
I do follow my favourite actors and actresses, but that's simply because I've grown fond of them--particularly when they're good people on top of being very talented. But then, if I really like an actor, I'll know far more than just what their kids are named.
I also don't find celebrities themselves inspirational when it comes to names. My focus, however, is generally on the character an actor plays rather than the name s/he bears. I can think of dozens of cases in which that's true--I'd use Juniper or Imogene "Idgie" long before Mary Stuart, for example (or Stardust over David, ha). There are very rare cases when I really value the celeb more than the names of the characters s/he played. In fact, the only case I can think of is Gilda Radner--but then, her name appeals to me on several levels, rather than simply the "star quality" in it.
Array (not a particularly insightful response, but that wasn't a particularly insightful article--it evens out)
On the end of the world: There will be snacks.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.