[Opinions] Re: Irma
in reply to a message by Wordsmith
Ok? Were we talking about Kayley? Are you under the impression that I'm a fan of Kayley and its ilk?
The fact that a lot of modern are absolutely horrendous doesn't mean that a lot of antique names aren't also hideous. I can't stand the blind worship of old things just because they're old.

The fact that a lot of modern are absolutely horrendous doesn't mean that a lot of antique names aren't also hideous. I can't stand the blind worship of old things just because they're old.

agree ...
This is getting tiresome. I don't mind if somebody genuinely likes an old or obscure name, or dislikes a modern or very popular name. But WS seems more and more to be deliberately contrarian, to the point where I get the very strong feeling that he is borderline trolling. His pompous manner does not help. We're not idiots here, and you aren't superior to us just because you ferret out the oldest, most antique and unknown names you can find and fawn over them, and turn your nose up at any name that has gotten some use in the last three centuries. You're not fooling anybody but yourself.
This is getting tiresome. I don't mind if somebody genuinely likes an old or obscure name, or dislikes a modern or very popular name. But WS seems more and more to be deliberately contrarian, to the point where I get the very strong feeling that he is borderline trolling. His pompous manner does not help. We're not idiots here, and you aren't superior to us just because you ferret out the oldest, most antique and unknown names you can find and fawn over them, and turn your nose up at any name that has gotten some use in the last three centuries. You're not fooling anybody but yourself.
Can a board not just have a quirky person and all the grownups on the board deal with it?
We're all quirky in our own ways and we mostly do manage to get along. But everybody also has their limit.
Fair enough.
eta: Right now I'm raging about HOAs on facebook so I think some of that attitude is being carried forward here.
eta: Right now I'm raging about HOAs on facebook so I think some of that attitude is being carried forward here.
This message was edited 8/11/2020, 8:31 PM
Why does "quirky" always seem to cross over into "overbearing"?
What about the question, "why do I feel the need to regulate people who have strong opinions about things that don't matter, when those feelings are different from mine" ?
That's a perfect description of Wordsmith, in this thread, at least.
It's not his opinions, it's his reaction to the opinions of others. I will say that I haven't noticed him doing this frequently, but that could be because I haven't been paying attention. In any case, there was no need to respond to Martha the way he did in this thread. On the surface, it was just a statement about a name that wasn't the subject of this OP, but underneath the surface it was intended as a simple dismissal of her opinion.
It's not his opinions, it's his reaction to the opinions of others. I will say that I haven't noticed him doing this frequently, but that could be because I haven't been paying attention. In any case, there was no need to respond to Martha the way he did in this thread. On the surface, it was just a statement about a name that wasn't the subject of this OP, but underneath the surface it was intended as a simple dismissal of her opinion.
yes ...
It isn't about his opinions about names; it's his opinions about his opinions and the opinions of other people, and the way he expresses them that are insufferable.
It isn't about his opinions about names; it's his opinions about his opinions and the opinions of other people, and the way he expresses them that are insufferable.
True, he could be more grown-up about dealing with other people's taste.
Holy cow, what’s going on here? Lol
I think I might be the only one in the board who likes a little snark AND a little pomp. Isn’t there room for both? I’ve been known to swing too far in either direction once in a while myself. Or, like, with every post. I’m not anxious to know how many enemies I must have made!
I think I might be the only one in the board who likes a little snark AND a little pomp. Isn’t there room for both? I’ve been known to swing too far in either direction once in a while myself. Or, like, with every post. I’m not anxious to know how many enemies I must have made!
I agree
I'll just say that if he actually conducts his day to day life wearing this persona and "smithing" such bombast, well, I'm embarrassed for him.
Ugh, that would be gross.
I'm not a troll
I'm a name enthusiast. Everyone's entitled to love the names they love, but I do feel compelled to respond to your relentless laceration of any name that's remotely unusual. If you're comfortable issuing such scathing remarks, you should be equipped to tolerate pushback.
I'm a name enthusiast. Everyone's entitled to love the names they love, but I do feel compelled to respond to your relentless laceration of any name that's remotely unusual. If you're comfortable issuing such scathing remarks, you should be equipped to tolerate pushback.
This message was edited 8/11/2020, 2:17 PM
Maybe you're referring to something RoxStar does specifically (idk, I almost never pay attention to who posts what) but I don't think anyone's hating on Irma just for being unusual. It has a nasally sound that most people find ugly. If you don't like the sound of a name you wouldn't like it more if it was more popular.
Here's the thing: You shouldn't feel "compelled to respond". There is no need for "pushback" simply for the sake of "pushback". There is no arguing with an opinion. Sure, once in a while, someone might have something useful to say in response to an opinion, such as "I don't see it as X, I see it as Y because of Z". That adds to the conversation. But "I'm going to counter with what I think is bad" adds nothing to the conversation. If we all felt ""compelled to respond" to every differing opinion we see here, every post would generate a miles long thread which would eventually degenerate into "You're wrong" and "No, I'm right and you're wrong".
No, I wasn't implying you like it. I'm just trying to balance out the undue laceration of "frumpy" names. :)