[Opinions] Re: Irma
in reply to a message by Higuma Kanora
I'm annoyed because I'm annoyed at the original post on the lounge, which seemed to refer mostly to Wordsmith and seemed like bullying.

I'm oblivious apparently and thought it was about a pattern of multiple posters. Myself included.
I'm really sorry if you thought I was talking about you. I would never.
I wasn't hurt... I thought it was hilarious.
Yes, it was hard to tell if it was about me and whomever else or just Wordsmith - and if it’s the latter it would have been better to just call him out, specifically for his nastiness instead of his affection for weird names. Calling out his rudeness is definitely warranted, but that’s not how the post was phrased, and think it’s super Mean Girls to make fun of people for liking weird names on a names board.
You know what? I think you might consider following your own advice here. Posting about me underneath this thread and not replying directly to my original post (or any of my subsequent posts) is passive aggressive and, dare I say it, a little "mean girl" of you.
I'm aware I'm behaving like a shit. I can own it. I make snide comments and I write satirical shit and it isn't always nice. And I'm not going to stop it. Can you own your shit?
I'm aware I'm behaving like a shit. I can own it. I make snide comments and I write satirical shit and it isn't always nice. And I'm not going to stop it. Can you own your shit?
This message was edited 8/11/2020, 7:36 PM
I resonated more with Gracie's response, and bounced off of something she brought up, that I wouldn't have been able to articulate if she hadn't brought it up. Your response seemed... complete. lol
Sorry you don't like it. I don't regret writing it at all. It's in response to such rancid snobbery that frankly I don't care.
Do people have to take themselves seriously at every minute of every day?
Look at what I did in this thread. I had a little hissy fit because months ago someone said my name was terrible. I acted like I'm ten years old. Let's have a laugh at my expense.
Look at what I did in this thread. I had a little hissy fit because months ago someone said my name was terrible. I acted like I'm ten years old. Let's have a laugh at my expense.