[Opinions] Re: Hilda & Olive
in reply to a message by Billina
I actually like Hilda. I think it's considered one of the ugly unusable names, but for some reason it doesn't strike me as ugly. I think this may be because Hildi was my favorite designer on Trading Spaces, lolol. You know, the one who covered some poor person's walls in hay? I thought she was a genius. Ha. Anyway, I also know an Icelandic woman named Hildur who is a pretty fascinating person. She's smart as a whip, probably physically the most elegantly beautiful woman I've ever seen, but she's manipulative, vindictive, outright hostile to "the help."
Anyway, I can deal with Hilda. I wouldn't use it, but on someone else's kid I wouldn't mind it. I think Hildy would be a cute nickname.
I can't say I like Olive, which is weird because I love Oliver. Olive strikes me as overly cutesy in the Drew Barrymore, "I wear sunflowers in my hair and talk like a baby and I'm sooo quirky" school of cutesy. I've known some people who were mundanely "alternative" in a way that irritated me, and they've named their daughters Olive. Tl;dr It's a perfectly fine name and my problems with it stem from my bitchiness. :)

Anyway, I can deal with Hilda. I wouldn't use it, but on someone else's kid I wouldn't mind it. I think Hildy would be a cute nickname.
I can't say I like Olive, which is weird because I love Oliver. Olive strikes me as overly cutesy in the Drew Barrymore, "I wear sunflowers in my hair and talk like a baby and I'm sooo quirky" school of cutesy. I've known some people who were mundanely "alternative" in a way that irritated me, and they've named their daughters Olive. Tl;dr It's a perfectly fine name and my problems with it stem from my bitchiness. :)

Aw, I love Drew Barrymore. I don't think she pushes the quirky, I think she's just VERY Californian. The hippie quirkiness is just who she is. ;)
Well, while I've been to California multiple times, I don't think I really have a handle on the cultural scene. I tend to think of either really rich celebrities, surfers, valley girls, the money oriented people of Orange County, etc. I know these are all stereotypes, though.
I do know that among the people I grew up with, California was considered some kind of bohemian utopia. It was the ultimate answer to "Where did you want to live when you grow up?" Answers came with a dreamy sigh. Only the very coolest of people lived in California to us.
I do know that among the people I grew up with, California was considered some kind of bohemian utopia. It was the ultimate answer to "Where did you want to live when you grow up?" Answers came with a dreamy sigh. Only the very coolest of people lived in California to us.
This message was edited 8/15/2020, 10:52 AM
That's interesting, to me. Where I live, it's not utopia, lol. Well, maybe it is if you're super outdoorsy, but it's not THAT different from the rest of the country, in a lot of key ways. I live waaaaayyy up north, though, almost in Oregon. It's different, up here.
I have met plenty of people like Drew Barrymore, though. My region has its share of crunchy types, and they have that same super chill, I-want-to-run-naked-in-a-field-of-daisies attitude, lol. Maybe that's why I defend her, it doesn't seem affected, to me.
I have met plenty of people like Drew Barrymore, though. My region has its share of crunchy types, and they have that same super chill, I-want-to-run-naked-in-a-field-of-daisies attitude, lol. Maybe that's why I defend her, it doesn't seem affected, to me.
This message was edited 8/15/2020, 10:58 AM
Drew Barrymore
I like her, too. And I actually think she has matured surprisingly well.
I like her, too. And I actually think she has matured surprisingly well.
Yeah, considering all she's been through, she seems pretty grounded.