[Opinions] Re: Timothea
in reply to a message by Wordsmith
Celandine - you've really got something there. Sappho, Maud, and Myrtle I also like. Wow what a snapping set of sisters that trio would make as FNs...
EDIT: Seeing your motley others, yes these hit MUCH closer to the mark. Nettle - yes that's precisely the flavor, and I think it's rather nice as a name. Better than Nell. I think these are almost all quite elegant. Vashti and Dorcas and perhaps Dido are my favorites. Have to give points to Claude - very interesting there, I like it quite a lot.

EDIT: Seeing your motley others, yes these hit MUCH closer to the mark. Nettle - yes that's precisely the flavor, and I think it's rather nice as a name. Better than Nell. I think these are almost all quite elegant. Vashti and Dorcas and perhaps Dido are my favorites. Have to give points to Claude - very interesting there, I like it quite a lot.

This message was edited 8/22/2020, 8:26 PM