[Opinions] Lilly and Elizabeth
I have a Lilly but my husband loves the name Elizabeth for our next daughter. Do you think the names are too similar?
Lilly is very similar to Libby or Lizzie, nicknames for Elizabeth. Lilly Elizabeth is alright, but Elizabeth Lilly is odd because is she was nicknames Libby, it would be Libby Lilly! lol
I do think that they are to similar. I have a sister named Elizabeth and goes by Lily.
I don't think they're too similar. As long as you don't call Elizabeth Libby or Lizzy, it's fine.
Both are beautiful names. Good luck!
Both are beautiful names. Good luck!
It's ok, just don't name them Lilly and Lizzy, nn Beth or Eliza would be no problem imo.

I personally find them to be rather similar - I knew a girl called Elizabeth whose nickname was Lily, though. It's the Li- part, really.
- Maria
I don't think they're too similar, if Elizabeth goes by Beth or Eliza, not Lizzie. When is your second daughter due? I'm due in June.
- Melissa
Arielle Norah
EDD 6/4/06

Proud Mommy-to-be!
- Melissa
Arielle Norah
EDD 6/4/06

Proud Mommy-to-be!