[Games] 1930s Count-Along-CAF
Use an ten sided dice to count along the names (e.g. throw 6 and the first name is Frank, throw 4 and the middle name is Billy).
- If you’re at the end of the namebank continue counting at the beginning.
- http://www.brockjones.com/dieroller/dice.htm
- You can skip similar names (e.g. Louis/Lewis, Anne/Ann)
- Feel free to add more family members
- BONUS! Post your favorite male and female combo in the subject box :)
LN: Hammett, Buck, Rombauer, Huxley, Kafka, Mitchell, Barnes, Carnegie, Hurston, Steinbeck (1930s authors)
Robert James Charles Joseph David Frank Raymond Jack Harold Billy Bobby Carl Ralph Albert Michael Lawrence Roy Howard Roger Daniel Louis Earl Gary Clarence Anthony Francis Wayne Marvin Ernest Stanley Leroy Jimmy Alfred Dale Bernard Russell Frederick Franklin Dennis Douglas Gordon Andrew Floyd Glenn Bruce Lee Lloyd Clifford Leon Clyde Eddie Martin Alvin Lewis Warren Jesse Patrick Stephen Curtis Arnold Elmer Cecil Alan Victor Roland Benjamin Glen Chester Calvin Dean Wallace Claude Edgar Marion Max Oscar Virgil Jessie Darrell Everett Wesley Ted Freddie Hubert Nicholas Rodney Lowell Neil Sidney Homer Tony Morris Lyle Luther Earnest Joel Rudolph Carroll Karl Roosevelt Otis
Mary Betty Barbara Shirley Patricia Dorothy Joan Margaret Nancy Joyce Ruth Virginia Marilyn Elizabeth Jean Lois Alice Donna Martha Janet Phyllis Norma Carolyn Gloria Marie Ann Mildred Rose Peggy Catherine Judith Marjorie Ruby Jane Sandra Irene Wanda June Rita Delores Lillian Marlene Edna Thelma Josephine Juanita Bonnie Arlene Gladys Sally Kathleen Audrey Pauline Wilma Sylvia Theresa Jacqueline Ethel Loretta Grace Sharon Lucille Emma Marion Linda Anne Roberta Ellen Julia Rosemary Jeanette Marian Billie Vivian Elsie Susan Maria Maxine Ida Yvonne Constance Jeanne Christine Sara Alma Bessie Agnes Vera Nellie

- If you’re at the end of the namebank continue counting at the beginning.
- http://www.brockjones.com/dieroller/dice.htm
- You can skip similar names (e.g. Louis/Lewis, Anne/Ann)
- Feel free to add more family members
- BONUS! Post your favorite male and female combo in the subject box :)
LN: Hammett, Buck, Rombauer, Huxley, Kafka, Mitchell, Barnes, Carnegie, Hurston, Steinbeck (1930s authors)
Robert James Charles Joseph David Frank Raymond Jack Harold Billy Bobby Carl Ralph Albert Michael Lawrence Roy Howard Roger Daniel Louis Earl Gary Clarence Anthony Francis Wayne Marvin Ernest Stanley Leroy Jimmy Alfred Dale Bernard Russell Frederick Franklin Dennis Douglas Gordon Andrew Floyd Glenn Bruce Lee Lloyd Clifford Leon Clyde Eddie Martin Alvin Lewis Warren Jesse Patrick Stephen Curtis Arnold Elmer Cecil Alan Victor Roland Benjamin Glen Chester Calvin Dean Wallace Claude Edgar Marion Max Oscar Virgil Jessie Darrell Everett Wesley Ted Freddie Hubert Nicholas Rodney Lowell Neil Sidney Homer Tony Morris Lyle Luther Earnest Joel Rudolph Carroll Karl Roosevelt Otis
Mary Betty Barbara Shirley Patricia Dorothy Joan Margaret Nancy Joyce Ruth Virginia Marilyn Elizabeth Jean Lois Alice Donna Martha Janet Phyllis Norma Carolyn Gloria Marie Ann Mildred Rose Peggy Catherine Judith Marjorie Ruby Jane Sandra Irene Wanda June Rita Delores Lillian Marlene Edna Thelma Josephine Juanita Bonnie Arlene Gladys Sally Kathleen Audrey Pauline Wilma Sylvia Theresa Jacqueline Ethel Loretta Grace Sharon Lucille Emma Marion Linda Anne Roberta Ellen Julia Rosemary Jeanette Marian Billie Vivian Elsie Susan Maria Maxine Ida Yvonne Constance Jeanne Christine Sara Alma Bessie Agnes Vera Nellie

This message was edited 9/17/2020, 11:00 AM
Glenn Lee Rombauer and Carolyn Peggy Rombauer
James David Rombauer & Dorothy Marilyn Rombauer
Harold Bobby Rombauer
Ruth Martha Rombauer
Lawrence Earl Rombauer
Janet Phyllis Rombauer
Stanley Franklin Rombauer
James, Dot, Harry, Ruthie, Laurie, Janet and Stanley.
James David Rombauer & Dorothy Marilyn Rombauer
Harold Bobby Rombauer
Ruth Martha Rombauer
Lawrence Earl Rombauer
Janet Phyllis Rombauer
Stanley Franklin Rombauer
James, Dot, Harry, Ruthie, Laurie, Janet and Stanley.
Franklin Clifford & Mildred Irene
Joseph Raymond Rombauer
Joan Virginia (Mitchell) Rombauer
Michael Clarence Rombauer & Alice Norma Rombauer
Francis Alfred Rombauer
Mildred Irene Rombauer
Franklin Clifford Rombauer
Wanda June Rombauer
Alvin Jesse Rombauer
Thelma Josephine Rombauer
Joey & Joan: Mikey, Alice, Francis, Millie, Frankie, Wanda, Alvin, & Thelma
Joseph Raymond Rombauer
Joan Virginia (Mitchell) Rombauer
Michael Clarence Rombauer & Alice Norma Rombauer
Francis Alfred Rombauer
Mildred Irene Rombauer
Franklin Clifford Rombauer
Wanda June Rombauer
Alvin Jesse Rombauer
Thelma Josephine Rombauer
Joey & Joan: Mikey, Alice, Francis, Millie, Frankie, Wanda, Alvin, & Thelma
DH: Joseph Bobby Steinbeck
DW: Joan Marilyn (Rombauer) Steinbeck
DS/DD: Daniel Clarence Steinbeck/Jean Janet Steinbeck
DS: Marvin Leroy Steinbeck
DD: Rose Irene Steinbeck
DS: Alfred Floyd Steinbeck
DD: Lillian Kathleen Steinbeck
DS: Lloyd Clifford Steinbeck
DD: Sylvia Grace Steinbeck
Joseph and Joan with Daniel, Jean, Marvin, Rose, Alfred, Lillian, Lloyd, and Sylvia
DW: Joan Marilyn (Rombauer) Steinbeck
DS/DD: Daniel Clarence Steinbeck/Jean Janet Steinbeck
DS: Marvin Leroy Steinbeck
DD: Rose Irene Steinbeck
DS: Alfred Floyd Steinbeck
DD: Lillian Kathleen Steinbeck
DS: Lloyd Clifford Steinbeck
DD: Sylvia Grace Steinbeck
Joseph and Joan with Daniel, Jean, Marvin, Rose, Alfred, Lillian, Lloyd, and Sylvia
SO1: Joseph Bobby Steinbeck
SO2: Barbara Ruth Steinbeck (nee Barnes)
DS/DD: Michael Gary Steinbeck/ Virginia Donna Steinbeck “Ginnie”
DS: Marvin Franklin Steinbeck “Marv”
DD: Janet Carolyn Steinbeck
DS: Clifford Warren Steinbeck “Cliff”
DD: Rose Irene Steinbeck
DS: Charles Harold Steinbeck
DD: Wanda June Steinbeck
Joseph & Barbara Steinbeck: Michael, Ginnie, Marv, Janet, Cliff, Rose, Charles, & Wanda
SO2: Barbara Ruth Steinbeck (nee Barnes)
DS/DD: Michael Gary Steinbeck/ Virginia Donna Steinbeck “Ginnie”
DS: Marvin Franklin Steinbeck “Marv”
DD: Janet Carolyn Steinbeck
DS: Clifford Warren Steinbeck “Cliff”
DD: Rose Irene Steinbeck
DS: Charles Harold Steinbeck
DD: Wanda June Steinbeck
Joseph & Barbara Steinbeck: Michael, Ginnie, Marv, Janet, Cliff, Rose, Charles, & Wanda
Marian Christine & Curtis Alan
SO1: Joseph Bobby Rombauer
SO2: Barbara Patricia (Kafka) Rombauer
Joseph & Barbara || Daniel/Virginia, Alfred, Donna, Floyd, Peggy, Lewis, Delores
- DS (twin): Daniel Wayne Rombauer
- xDW: Arlene Ethel (Barnes) Rombauer
- DW: Loretta Marion Rombauer
-- DD: Alma Shirley Rombauer
-- DS/DD: Dale Bruce Rombauer / Margaret Jean Rombauer
-- DD: Lois Gloria Rombauer
-- DD: Sandra Rita Rombauer
/Daniel & [Arlene] & Loretta || Alma, Dale/Margaret, Lois, Sandra
- DD (twin): Virginia Elizabeth Rombauer
-- ADD: Kathleen Lucille Rombauer
Virginia || Kathleen
- DS: Alfred Douglas Rombauer
-- DPet Dog: Eddie
- DD: Donna Carolyn (Rombauer) Mitchell
- DH: Arnold Roland Mitchell
-- DD: Marian Christine Mitchell
-- DD: Joan Ruth Mitchell
-- DS: Curtis Alan Mitchell
-- DS: Edgar Darrell Mitchell
Donna & Arnold || Marian, Joan, Curtis, Edgar
- DS: Floyd Glenn Rombauer
- DW: Jeanette Maria (Huxley) Rombauer
-- DS: Nicholas Tony Rombauer
Floyd & Jeanette || Nicholas
- DD: Peggy Ruby (Rombauer) Hammett Hurston
- xDH: Wallace Wesley Hammett
-- DS/DS: Carroll Roosevelt Hammett / Otis Carl Hammett
-- DD/DD: Joyce Norma Hammett / Marjorie Irene Hammett
-- DS: Ralph Howard Hammett
- DH: Freddie Lowell Hurston
-- DD: Josephine Bonnie Hurston
Peggy & [Wallace] & Freddie || Carroll/Otis, Joyce/Marjorie, Ralph & Josephine
- DS: Lewis Stephen Rombauer
- xBf: Luther Robert Steinbeck
- H: Harold Albert Buck
-- ADS: Louis Gary Buck-Rombauer
Lewis & [Luther] & Harold || Louis
- DD: Delores Edna (Rombauer) Carnegie
- DH: Roy Earl Carnegie
-- DS: Stanley Gordon Carnegie
-- DD/DD: Theresa Jeanne Carnegie / Vera Janet Carnegie
Delores & Roy || Stanley, Theresa/Vera
SO1: Joseph Bobby Rombauer
SO2: Barbara Patricia (Kafka) Rombauer
Joseph & Barbara || Daniel/Virginia, Alfred, Donna, Floyd, Peggy, Lewis, Delores
- DS (twin): Daniel Wayne Rombauer
- xDW: Arlene Ethel (Barnes) Rombauer
- DW: Loretta Marion Rombauer
-- DD: Alma Shirley Rombauer
-- DS/DD: Dale Bruce Rombauer / Margaret Jean Rombauer
-- DD: Lois Gloria Rombauer
-- DD: Sandra Rita Rombauer
/Daniel & [Arlene] & Loretta || Alma, Dale/Margaret, Lois, Sandra
- DD (twin): Virginia Elizabeth Rombauer
-- ADD: Kathleen Lucille Rombauer
Virginia || Kathleen
- DS: Alfred Douglas Rombauer
-- DPet Dog: Eddie
- DD: Donna Carolyn (Rombauer) Mitchell
- DH: Arnold Roland Mitchell
-- DD: Marian Christine Mitchell
-- DD: Joan Ruth Mitchell
-- DS: Curtis Alan Mitchell
-- DS: Edgar Darrell Mitchell
Donna & Arnold || Marian, Joan, Curtis, Edgar
- DS: Floyd Glenn Rombauer
- DW: Jeanette Maria (Huxley) Rombauer
-- DS: Nicholas Tony Rombauer
Floyd & Jeanette || Nicholas
- DD: Peggy Ruby (Rombauer) Hammett Hurston
- xDH: Wallace Wesley Hammett
-- DS/DS: Carroll Roosevelt Hammett / Otis Carl Hammett
-- DD/DD: Joyce Norma Hammett / Marjorie Irene Hammett
-- DS: Ralph Howard Hammett
- DH: Freddie Lowell Hurston
-- DD: Josephine Bonnie Hurston
Peggy & [Wallace] & Freddie || Carroll/Otis, Joyce/Marjorie, Ralph & Josephine
- DS: Lewis Stephen Rombauer
- xBf: Luther Robert Steinbeck
- H: Harold Albert Buck
-- ADS: Louis Gary Buck-Rombauer
Lewis & [Luther] & Harold || Louis
- DD: Delores Edna (Rombauer) Carnegie
- DH: Roy Earl Carnegie
-- DS: Stanley Gordon Carnegie
-- DD/DD: Theresa Jeanne Carnegie / Vera Janet Carnegie
Delores & Roy || Stanley, Theresa/Vera
Harold Michael & Alice Gloria
DH: Harold Michael Carnegie
DW: Nancy Joyce {Steinbeck} Carnegie
DS/DD: Louis Earl & Alice Gloria Carnegie
DS: Leroy Frederick Carnegie
DD: Marie Ann Carnegie
DS: Gordon Bruce Carnegie
DD: Marjorie Delores Carnegie
DS: Clyde Warren Carnegie
DD: Arlene Wilma Carnegie
DH: Harold Michael Carnegie
DW: Nancy Joyce {Steinbeck} Carnegie
DS/DD: Louis Earl & Alice Gloria Carnegie
DS: Leroy Frederick Carnegie
DD: Marie Ann Carnegie
DS: Gordon Bruce Carnegie
DD: Marjorie Delores Carnegie
DS: Clyde Warren Carnegie
DD: Arlene Wilma Carnegie
This message was edited 9/18/2020, 12:24 PM
Dennis Gordon & Shirley Elizabeth
SO1: Harold Roy Mitchell
SO2: Shirley Elizabeth Mitchell (née Rombauer)
DS/DD: Francis Bernard & Phyllis Carolyn Mitchell
DS: Dennis Gordon Mitchell
DD: Marjorie Delores Mitchell
DS: Clifford Warren Mitchell
DD: Juanita Wilma Mitchell
DS: Jesse Patrick Mitchell
DD: Jacqueline Roberta Mitchell
SO1: Harold Roy Mitchell
SO2: Shirley Elizabeth Mitchell (née Rombauer)
DS/DD: Francis Bernard & Phyllis Carolyn Mitchell
DS: Dennis Gordon Mitchell
DD: Marjorie Delores Mitchell
DS: Clifford Warren Mitchell
DD: Juanita Wilma Mitchell
DS: Jesse Patrick Mitchell
DD: Jacqueline Roberta Mitchell
This message was edited 9/18/2020, 9:03 AM
Dale Glen and Norma Loretta
Frank Carl Buck
Mary Nancy (Hurston) Buck
Roy Wayne / Lois Janet
Dale Glenn
Marie Catherine
Martin Arnold
Sandra Josephine
Benjamin Dean
Arlene Jacqueline
Frank Carl Buck
Mary Nancy (Hurston) Buck
Roy Wayne / Lois Janet
Dale Glenn
Marie Catherine
Martin Arnold
Sandra Josephine
Benjamin Dean
Arlene Jacqueline
Howard Clarence & Jane Irene
DH: David Carl Barnes
DW: Shirley Joan Barnes, née Kafka
DS: Roger Francis Barnes (twin)
- SO: Jacqueline Sharon Hammett
-- DS: Carl Michael Hammett-Barnes
DD: Virginia Elizabeth Mitchell-Barnes, née Barnes (twin)
- DW: Roberta Ellen Mitchell-Barnes, née Mitchell
-- DD: Sara Barbara Mitchell-Barnes
-- DD: Margaret Elizabeth Mitchell-Barnes
DS: Dale Glenn Barnes
- SO: Marion Virgil Carnegie
DD: Norma Rose Barnes
DS: Lloyd Warren Barnes
DD: Ruby Rita Barnes
- Dfiancé: Ted Tony Buck
-- DS: Howard Clarence Buck
-- DD/DD: Gloria Rose Buck & Jane Irene Buck
DS: Patrick Chester Barnes
- SO: Rosemary Elsie Rombauer
-- DD: Edna Josephine Rombauer
-- DS: Jimmy Frederick Rombauer
DD: Lillian Sally Barnes
- SO: Rudolph David Steinbeck
-- DS: Gordon Clyde Steinbeck
-- DD: Arlene Theresa Steinbeck
DH: David Carl Barnes
DW: Shirley Joan Barnes, née Kafka
DS: Roger Francis Barnes (twin)
- SO: Jacqueline Sharon Hammett
-- DS: Carl Michael Hammett-Barnes
DD: Virginia Elizabeth Mitchell-Barnes, née Barnes (twin)
- DW: Roberta Ellen Mitchell-Barnes, née Mitchell
-- DD: Sara Barbara Mitchell-Barnes
-- DD: Margaret Elizabeth Mitchell-Barnes
DS: Dale Glenn Barnes
- SO: Marion Virgil Carnegie
DD: Norma Rose Barnes
DS: Lloyd Warren Barnes
DD: Ruby Rita Barnes
- Dfiancé: Ted Tony Buck
-- DS: Howard Clarence Buck
-- DD/DD: Gloria Rose Buck & Jane Irene Buck
DS: Patrick Chester Barnes
- SO: Rosemary Elsie Rombauer
-- DD: Edna Josephine Rombauer
-- DS: Jimmy Frederick Rombauer
DD: Lillian Sally Barnes
- SO: Rudolph David Steinbeck
-- DS: Gordon Clyde Steinbeck
-- DD: Arlene Theresa Steinbeck
Rose Judith and Jesse Roland
SO1: Raymond Albert Carnegie "Ray"
SO2: Patricia Joan Hammett Carnegie "Patsy"
DS: Michael Earl Carnegie "Mike" [Virginia's twin]
-DW: Grace Marion Barnes Carnegie
--DS: Eddie Warren Carnegie
--DD: Nellie Dorothy Carnegie
DD: Virginia Donna Carnegie Hurston "Ginny" [Michael's twin]
-DH: Jesse Roland Hurston
--DS: Calvin Oscar Hurston
DS: Clarence Jimmy Carnegie "CJ"
-DFiancee: Rosemary Maxine Kafka "Romy"
DD: Rose Judith Carnegie
DS: Dale Russell Carnegie
DD: Lillian Gladys Carnegie "Lilly"
DS: Dennis Glenn Carnegie
DD: Sylvia Ethel Carnegie
SO1: Raymond Albert Carnegie "Ray"
SO2: Patricia Joan Hammett Carnegie "Patsy"
DS: Michael Earl Carnegie "Mike" [Virginia's twin]
-DW: Grace Marion Barnes Carnegie
--DS: Eddie Warren Carnegie
--DD: Nellie Dorothy Carnegie
DD: Virginia Donna Carnegie Hurston "Ginny" [Michael's twin]
-DH: Jesse Roland Hurston
--DS: Calvin Oscar Hurston
DS: Clarence Jimmy Carnegie "CJ"
-DFiancee: Rosemary Maxine Kafka "Romy"
DD: Rose Judith Carnegie
DS: Dale Russell Carnegie
DD: Lillian Gladys Carnegie "Lilly"
DS: Dennis Glenn Carnegie
DD: Sylvia Ethel Carnegie
SO1: Billy Daniel Kafka
SO2: Dorothy Marilyn (nee. Rombauer) Kafka
DS/DD: Ernest Dale & Norma Gloria
DS: Russell Glenn
DD: Ruby Lillian
DS: Bruce Lewis
DD: Kathleen Sylvia
DS: Cecil Victor
DD: Lucille Julia
SO2: Dorothy Marilyn (nee. Rombauer) Kafka
DS/DD: Ernest Dale & Norma Gloria
DS: Russell Glenn
DD: Ruby Lillian
DS: Bruce Lewis
DD: Kathleen Sylvia
DS: Cecil Victor
DD: Lucille Julia
LN: Mitchell
SO1: James Harold
SO2: Dorothy Joyce “Dot” (MN: Hurston)
DS/DD: Howard Clarence “Howie” / Donna Marie
DS: Anthony Jimmy
DD: Peggy June
DS: Frederick Bruce “Freddie”
DD: Bonnie Wilma
DS: Lewis Stephen
DD: Lucille Anne “Lucy”
SO1: James Harold
SO2: Dorothy Joyce “Dot” (MN: Hurston)
DS/DD: Howard Clarence “Howie” / Donna Marie
DS: Anthony Jimmy
DD: Peggy June
DS: Frederick Bruce “Freddie”
DD: Bonnie Wilma
DS: Lewis Stephen
DD: Lucille Anne “Lucy”
Daniel Francis & Lillian Josephine
SO1: Charles Bobby Kafka "Charlie"
SO2: Mary Joan (Hurston) Kafka
DS/DD: Daniel Francis Kafka/Elizabeth Phyllis Kafka "Lizzie"
DS: Leroy Jimmy Kafka "Roy"
DD: Carolyn Ruby Kafka "Cari"
DS: Dale Andrew Kafka
DD: Lillian Josephine Kafka "Lilly"
DS: Eddie Patrick Kafka
DD: Sylvia Marion Kafka
SO1: Charles Bobby Kafka "Charlie"
SO2: Mary Joan (Hurston) Kafka
DS/DD: Daniel Francis Kafka/Elizabeth Phyllis Kafka "Lizzie"
DS: Leroy Jimmy Kafka "Roy"
DD: Carolyn Ruby Kafka "Cari"
DS: Dale Andrew Kafka
DD: Lillian Josephine Kafka "Lilly"
DS: Eddie Patrick Kafka
DD: Sylvia Marion Kafka
Dorothy Joan & Stanley Russell
SO1: Betty Patricia Barnes
SO2: Dorothy Joan Hammett
DS/DD: Robert Frank Hammett-Barnes / Joyce Elizabeth Hammett-Barnes
DS: Ralph Earl Hammett-Barnes
DD: Phyllis Carolyn Hammett-Barnes
DS: Stanley Russell Hammett-Barnes
DD: Mildred Judith Hammett-Barnes
DS: Floyd Martin Hammett-Barnes
DD: Marjorie Jane Hammett-Barnes
SO1: Betty Patricia Barnes
SO2: Dorothy Joan Hammett
DS/DD: Robert Frank Hammett-Barnes / Joyce Elizabeth Hammett-Barnes
DS: Ralph Earl Hammett-Barnes
DD: Phyllis Carolyn Hammett-Barnes
DS: Stanley Russell Hammett-Barnes
DD: Mildred Judith Hammett-Barnes
DS: Floyd Martin Hammett-Barnes
DD: Marjorie Jane Hammett-Barnes
Daniel Clarence & Theresa Ethel
DH: Harold Roy Huxley
DW: Nancy Jean {Carnegie} Huxley
DS/DD: Daniel Clarence & Gloria Jane Huxley
DS: Dale Glenn Huxley
DD: Rita Delores Huxley
DS: Eddie Warren Huxley
DD: Lillian Bonnie Huxley
DS: Patrick Elmer Huxley
DD: Theresa Ethel Huxley
DH: Harold Roy Huxley
DW: Nancy Jean {Carnegie} Huxley
DS/DD: Daniel Clarence & Gloria Jane Huxley
DS: Dale Glenn Huxley
DD: Rita Delores Huxley
DS: Eddie Warren Huxley
DD: Lillian Bonnie Huxley
DS: Patrick Elmer Huxley
DD: Theresa Ethel Huxley
Peggy June & Albert Daniel
The Rombauer Family
DH: Raymond Harold Rombauer
DW: Mary Margaret (Buck) Rombauer
DS/DD: Albert Daniel & Jean Gloria Rombauer
DS: Clarence Wayne Rombauer
DD: Peggy June Rombauer
DS: Frederick Gordon Rombauer
DD: Arlene Ethel Rombauer
DS: Lloyd Alvin Rombauer
DD: Emma Anne Rombauer
Raymond & Mary Rombauer;
Albert, Jean, Clarence, Peggy, Frederick, Arlene, Lloyd, & Emma
The Rombauer Family
DH: Raymond Harold Rombauer
DW: Mary Margaret (Buck) Rombauer
DS/DD: Albert Daniel & Jean Gloria Rombauer
DS: Clarence Wayne Rombauer
DD: Peggy June Rombauer
DS: Frederick Gordon Rombauer
DD: Arlene Ethel Rombauer
DS: Lloyd Alvin Rombauer
DD: Emma Anne Rombauer
Raymond & Mary Rombauer;
Albert, Jean, Clarence, Peggy, Frederick, Arlene, Lloyd, & Emma
Bobby Earl & Nancy Ruth (fav sibset: Virgil & Homer)
Raymond Ralph ♥️ Nancy Ruth
Louis Leroy & Phyllis Judith (24)
Bernard Douglas (22)
Sandra Lillian (20)
Floyd Bruce (18)
Kathleen Sharon (16)
Warren Arnold (14)
Ellen Julia (9)
[Ray & Nancy || Louis & Phyllis, Bernard, Sandy, Floyd, Kathleen, Warren, Ellen]
Louis Leroy ♥️ Ida Agnes
Nellie Betty
[Louis & Ida || Nellie]
Phyllis Judith ♥️ Roland Glen
Virgil Wesley & Homer Lyle
[Phyllis & Rowdy || Virgil & Homer]
Bernard Douglas ♥️ Virginia Janet
Otis Jack
Carolyn Rose
[Bernard & Virginia || Otis, Caro]
Sandra Lillian ♥️ Ralph Gary
Exp. Bobby Earl
[Sandy & Ralph || Bobby]
Raymond Ralph ♥️ Nancy Ruth
Louis Leroy & Phyllis Judith (24)
Bernard Douglas (22)
Sandra Lillian (20)
Floyd Bruce (18)
Kathleen Sharon (16)
Warren Arnold (14)
Ellen Julia (9)
[Ray & Nancy || Louis & Phyllis, Bernard, Sandy, Floyd, Kathleen, Warren, Ellen]
Louis Leroy ♥️ Ida Agnes
Nellie Betty
[Louis & Ida || Nellie]
Phyllis Judith ♥️ Roland Glen
Virgil Wesley & Homer Lyle
[Phyllis & Rowdy || Virgil & Homer]
Bernard Douglas ♥️ Virginia Janet
Otis Jack
Carolyn Rose
[Bernard & Virginia || Otis, Caro]
Sandra Lillian ♥️ Ralph Gary
Exp. Bobby Earl
[Sandy & Ralph || Bobby]
I added spouses and children for the children.
DH: Joseph Bobby Buck
DW: Barbara Ruth Huxley Buck
DS (twin): Howard Anthony Buck
-DW: Sharon Marion Carnegie
-DD: Marian Yvonne Buck
DD (twin): Virginia Lois Buck
-DH: Arnold Roland Kafka
-DS/DS: Chester Wallace Kafka / Marion Hubert Kafka
-DD: Nellie Shirley Kafka
DS: Ernest Frederick Buck
-DW: Joan Elizabeth Mitchell
-DD: Jean Marie Buck
-DS: Morris Rudolph Buck
DD: Marie Rose Buck
-DH: Otis Charles Barnes
DS: Dennis Clifford Buck
-DW: Sandra Irene Hammett
-DD: Lillian Marlene Buck
-DS: Harold Carl Buck
-DS: Daniel Francis Buck
DD: Jane Rita Buck
-DH: Jimmy Russell Rombauer
-DS: Lee Clyde Rombauer
DS: Lewis Warren Buck
-DW: Edna Gladys Hurston
-DS: Alvin Elmer Buck
-DS: Alan Claude Buck
DD: Edna Kathleen Buck
-DH: Max Virgil Steinbeck
-DD: Sally Pauline Steinbeck
DH: Joseph Bobby Buck
DW: Barbara Ruth Huxley Buck
DS (twin): Howard Anthony Buck
-DW: Sharon Marion Carnegie
-DD: Marian Yvonne Buck
DD (twin): Virginia Lois Buck
-DH: Arnold Roland Kafka
-DS/DS: Chester Wallace Kafka / Marion Hubert Kafka
-DD: Nellie Shirley Kafka
DS: Ernest Frederick Buck
-DW: Joan Elizabeth Mitchell
-DD: Jean Marie Buck
-DS: Morris Rudolph Buck
DD: Marie Rose Buck
-DH: Otis Charles Barnes
DS: Dennis Clifford Buck
-DW: Sandra Irene Hammett
-DD: Lillian Marlene Buck
-DS: Harold Carl Buck
-DS: Daniel Francis Buck
DD: Jane Rita Buck
-DH: Jimmy Russell Rombauer
-DS: Lee Clyde Rombauer
DS: Lewis Warren Buck
-DW: Edna Gladys Hurston
-DS: Alvin Elmer Buck
-DS: Alan Claude Buck
DD: Edna Kathleen Buck
-DH: Max Virgil Steinbeck
-DD: Sally Pauline Steinbeck
This message was edited 9/17/2020, 5:18 PM
Thelma Audrey Lucille & Stephen Alan Victor
I've added two more children, a boy, and a girl.
LN: Mitchell-Hammett
SO1: Jack Carl Howard [Mitchell]
SO2: Margaret Joyce Marilyn [Hammett]
DS/DD: Louis Gary Clarence / Janet Ann Peggy
DS: Dale Franklin Lee
DD: Sandra Wanda Lillian
DS: Lloyd Clifford Warren
DD: Thelma Audrey Lucille
DS: Stephen Alan Victor
DD: Emma Rosemary Susan
DS: Chester Wallace Darrell
DD: Alma Mary Joan
I've added two more children, a boy, and a girl.
LN: Mitchell-Hammett
SO1: Jack Carl Howard [Mitchell]
SO2: Margaret Joyce Marilyn [Hammett]
DS/DD: Louis Gary Clarence / Janet Ann Peggy
DS: Dale Franklin Lee
DD: Sandra Wanda Lillian
DS: Lloyd Clifford Warren
DD: Thelma Audrey Lucille
DS: Stephen Alan Victor
DD: Emma Rosemary Susan
DS: Chester Wallace Darrell
DD: Alma Mary Joan