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[Games] Re: Generation CAF - 5 - Witch Family!
The Hawthorne FamilyDH (89) Ignotus Aleister Giles Hawthorne
DW (85) Fenella Dorina Agnes Hawthorne, née WeirDD1 (60) Cassandra Elspeth Merope Bloodworth, née Hawthorne
DD2 (57) Nausicaa Alice Urania Hawthorne-Labeau
DD3 (55) Walpurga Bellisent Pomona Greensleeves, née HawthorneBlack Cat (Ageless) Hecate
Dobermann (Around 50) Nero----The Bloodworth FamilyDD1 (60) Cassandra Elspeth Merope Bloodworth, née Hawthorne
DH (64) Wilmot Orpheus Llyr BloodworthDS1 (35) Urbain Autumnus Hawthorne Bloodworth
-DW (33) Rosemary Ursula Averil Bloodworth, née Sanderson
--DS (11) Junius Mabon Birch Bloodworth
--DS (7) Zephyr Janus Rune BloodworthDD1 (30) Isobel Aurora Emerald Bloodworth
-DW (32) Anisha Desai
--DD (6) Uma Solstice Foxglove Bloodworth-DesaiDS2 (28) August Ignotus Scorpio Bloodworth
-DW (28) Maelys Catherine Blanchefleur de Chantraine Bloodworth
--DD (5) Alouette Marguerite Winter BloodworthFox (200) Shadow----The Labeau FamilyDD2 (57) Nausicaa Alice Urania Hawthorne-Labeau
DH (56) Theodule Narcisse LabeauDD1 (31) Euphrosine Hypatia Perrault, née Labeau
-DH (34) Charlot Celestin Perrault
--DS/DD (4) Laurent Fabien Perrault & Philomene Garance Perrault
--DS (nb) Emile Armand PerraultDD2 (28) Armantine Rosmerta LabeauRaven (125) Pluto----The Greensleeves FamilyDD3 (55) Walpurga Bellisent Pomona Greensleeves, née Hawthorne
DH (57) Celyn Sage Valor GreensleevesDS (29) Redfern Everest Bramble Greensleeves
-Dgf (26) Pia Mimosa Odette FenwayDD (26) Iris Phoebe Harvest Greensleeves
DD (24) Chloe Xanthe Day GreensleevesFrog (5) Willoughby
Terrier (60) Cinnamon----Formerly known as Remora L.
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