[Opinions] Estrella
What do you think of this name? Do you prefer Estella? What nickname would you use? And what middle name?Estrella Ariel
Estrella Iris
Estrella Isabel
Estrella Miriam
Estrella Nelly
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It’s nice - much fresher than Stella and Estella - though I prefer Estelle.Estrella Isabel is pretty.
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I prefer Estelle or Estella. The extra r is harsh.
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I prefer Estella. Estrella is just hard on the ears in my opinion. 2/10. Estrella Iris sounds nice though. Estrella Isabel too.
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Estrella is just a more princess-y version of Stella. It sounds weird, I'd give it a 5/10.
All the nicknames I can think sound terrible, so I'll skip that bit...
Miriam is the most normal-sounding of these middle name options.
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I don't like it, I prefer Estella
I like mn Arielle, Isabel and Miriam
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I don’t know why but Estrella always reminds me of violins. Estrella Ariel sounds beautiful ( and musical :) ) I like the look of Estrella Nelly but it’s a a bit thick on the L’s.
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Not bad, but ll sounds like y in Spanish so the pr. would be more like es-TRAY-a and not es-TRELL-a (not good at explaining but you can also listen to it online) and I feel that would be hard to explain. The meaning is nice but the sound isn't great. I think I prefer Estella or Estela. No nickname.All combos are okay but not great, many contain way too many Ls.
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PronunciationYes, that is the main problem for non-Spanish-speakers. It started being used in 1997 in the US, and peaked in 2005. I wonder how the American bearers would pronounce it.
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