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[Opinions] Re: Valentine (m) and Valentina
in reply to a message by Azula
My great grandpa was named Valerijonas. He almost exclusively went by Val, so I love pretty much any Val- name.Valentine is a sweet name for either gender, but you're right that it is strongly associated with the holiday. I would probably assume the parents were European if they used it. That being said, I would still love to see it used more. I think it'd be cute.I love Valentina too. I don't think Tina is inevitable. Every Valentina I've known has gone by Val. Valerian, Valerie, Valeria, Valencia, and Valeska are other options.
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I have Valeria and Valerie on my list as well. :)I did forget about Valencia however! I’ve been back and forth with Valerian. Valeska’s a new one. Thanks!
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