[Opinions] Charity
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It feels tacky. Seems like it'd smell like a church basement. I don't like it.
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It feels superficial and trying too hard to be a pure and innocent virtue, when in reality it’s just tacky. Honestly, I like Caritas a lot more.
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It's my favorite virtue name.
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It's nice. When I went to a summer math program in middle school, my high school teenage mentor's name was Charity.
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Depends. In the King James Bible, charity (Latin caritas, meaning tenderness or non-sexual love) is a synonym for love: modern translations have 'faith, hope and love' rather than 'faith, hope and charity'.In modern English, charity means donating time and/or money to deserving causes. Which is not really much like a name. And, there is the proverb 'as cold as charity', which suggests a certain grim determination which is downright unsuitable as a name.I wouldn't touch it. Cara, now dated, would be OK; Caritas would be good but perhaps tricky to carry off.
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Dont like it
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I’ve never minded the name and recently met a really lovely nurse from Africa, who has this name. She made me think about the name again and I’ve started liking it again!
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I like it, as well.
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I like it.
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