[Opinions] Dahlia
What do you think of this name?Do you like it or not? Let me know your reasonWhat kind of person do you picture under this name?

This message was edited 2/10/2021, 11:25 PM

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I don't like it. I picture a spoiled girl from California who has vocal fry and thinks she's all woke but really is just obnoxious and rich (aka all people who think they are being woke and PC)

This message was edited 2/12/2021, 9:23 PM

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I like it. But it feels sort stuffy to me. I picture a snooty woman wrapped in furs and dripping with jewels.
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I dislike it. Though I picture a happy, smiley child.
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If I want a flower name starting with Day, I go for Daisy every time. Dahlia looks unEnglish, the flowers themselves are stiff and lack fragrance, and in general I don't enjoy most flower names. I've never met or heard of a Dahlia IRL, and I can't picture one.
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Don't like it at all
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may I know the reason?
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