[Opinions] Preston
What do you think of the name Preston? I like it best on a girl.
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Better on a football club: Preston North End in the EFL. EthnicityPreston is a diverse city, although the majority of the non-indigenous people are South Asians, in particular Indians. The ethnic makeup of Preston based on the 2011 census is as follows (With average for England in brackets): 75.8% White British (79.8%), 0.8% White Irish (1.0%), 3.5% Other White (4.6%). 2.3% Mixed Race (2.2%). 10.3% Indian (2.6%), 3.2% Pakistani (2.1%), 0.3% Bangladeshi (0.8%), 0.9% Other Asian (1.5%). 0.6% Black Caribbean (1.1%), 0.5% Black African (1.8%), 0.1% Other Black (0.5%). 0.9% Chinese (0.7%), 0.4% Arab (0.4%) and 0.3% other (0.6%).[12]
Child povertyIn 2008 a survey revealed that 50% of all children living in the city were living in families suffering from financial depression. An estimated 15,380 youngsters were part of the families on the breadline. The Campaign to End Child Poverty report defined children in poverty as children living in homes where occupants work less than 16 hours a week, or not at all, or where the full amount of tax credit is being claimed. The city was one of the most severely affected areas of the North West outside Liverpool and Manchester, with 21% of children in the city living in households which were completely workless and a further 29% in families struggling to get by with working tax credits. The two worst affected areas of the city were the Deepdale and St George's wards, where 75% and 77% of children respectively were said to be living in poverty.[13]
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Sorry but Preston sounds like a sleezy old man to me. On a girl, I think it would sound highly pretentious.
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Sorry I don’t care for it boy or girl. If your heart is set on it, it’s def more masculine to me.
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I'm over it. It's unisex.
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When I hear "Preston," I think on an Ivy-League-accepted prep school student who actually brought down his tuition price with a tennis scholarship. He can pop his collar with the best of them, but can't rock the color pink quite as well as Spencer, Blaine, Harris, or even Prescott, who come from even older money - though he has more clout than Graham or Emery, and more class than Chet.I cannot imagine Preston on a girl at all.
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It's so ugly and not in an endearing way. I wouldn't want to be named Preston.Also, and I know it's crazy, it just reminds me of Pugsley from the Addams Family. I think it's just a heavy name beginning with P.Rose Preston
Emily Preston
Camila Preston
Juliet Preston
Georgia Preston
Kaia Preston
Maia Preston
Zora Preston
Naomi Preston
Preston Ivy
Preston Claire
Preston Molly
Preston Aisling
Preston Olivia
Preston Isla
Preston Sienna
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I like it pretty well on a boy, though I don't think I'd use it myself. I actually gasped a little when I read you like it for a girl. That would never occur to me. Yikes!
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This name screams 90's kid. It's so dated to me. Especially on a girl. Preston is the epitome of the "rich high school bully" stock character on a made-for-TV Disney movie. I know that the 90's are considered retro already, but.... I am not psychologically prepared for names like Heather and Zachary to be cool again.
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Don't really like it and especially for a female
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