[Opinions] Lorelei
Do you like Lorelei? **Starfish and coffee, maple syrup and jam/Butterscotch clouds, a tangerine, and a side order of ham**
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I love Lorelei, strongly dislike the meaning. It's sad.
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I like it. It makes me think of dark blue and mermaids.
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I love it because of Gilmore Girls. I also think it's unusable because of Gilmore Girls.
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It's really pretty and reminds me of a beach in Hawaii.
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Dislike it
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In a GP ish way? It reminds me of Lorelei Lee from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, or the mermaid creature from German legends. Can’t really imagine it on a real person.
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No. I love Laura, but cannibal mermaids just don't do it for me.
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I happen to *love* cannibal mermaids.
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Ah, but would you feel confident about breast-feeding one?
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Ha. ;)I don't look at names that way. I appreciate them without wondering whether they would work for a real, live kid.For the record, I don't even like this name, lol.
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I love Lorelei but I absolutely cannot stand that "-lei" ending, it rubs me the wrong way. I find a lot of names that end in "i" so illogically upsetting. It looks incomplete and gives me the same feeling I get when I'm out somewhere and a picture is crooked and I can't fix it. So distracting!But anyway, yeah, I love that Lorelei is a mystical murderous siren but it also seems like a working class sort of trendy name. I love names like that - stuff with a deep mythological past that also works a double shift.
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I like it. I used to think it was Hawaiian.
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