[Games] Heaven, Hell, Purgatory
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Result so far (elimination round)Heaven: Esther Jade Anaïs Olive Nina DésiréeHell: Cerise Giselle Aimée Ariel Renée Margaux(Forgive the redundancy of this post. I originally posted this as the "final result" without realizing that there was usually an elimination round. The last play to decide these lists was made by WillowBelle, if you'd rather reply there. Have fun & thanks for playing!)

This message was edited 4/8/2021, 12:45 AM

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Aren't we supposed to eliminate names now, until there's one name left in Heaven (the winner) and one in Hell (the loser)? What we just did was the set-up for the elimination stage of the game.

This message was edited 4/8/2021, 12:19 AM

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I may have misunderstood. That's my bad. I checked over the rules as this site has them, and it doesn't mention elimination. I haven't seen this game played all the way through before either, so perhaps i'm simply missing an unspoken norm. Thank you for letting me know! I'm happy to have an elimination round, though! I'll edit my post so it doesn't sound as final.
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Thanks! I just did some checking, and if you click on the link "Games and Abbreviations Guide" at the top of the Games message board, there's a listing for the HHP Heaven-Hell-Purgatory game, which has an elimination round at the end.(There's also a game called "Elimination", but it doesn't involve the Heaven/Hell/Purgatory set-up.)
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That's the exact page i had checked. I read it many times over but didn't see any mention of the elimination. This was the last paragraph of instructions on my screen: "When only two names are left in 'Purgatory', the last player only gets to move one to 'Heaven' and one to 'Hell', no names are moved back to 'Purgatory', otherwise the game would have no end. The winners are all the names that and at the end of the game in 'Heaven'." Several example posts followed that, none involving elimination. I'm guessing that maybe the mobile version of the site isn't as up-to-date as the desktop version? I'm sorry.
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Heaven: Esther Margaux Jade Anaïs
Purgatory: Olive Ariel Nina Renée
Hell: Cerise Giselle Aimée DésiréeMoved to Heaven: Jade, Anaïs
Moved to Hell: Aimée Désirée
Back to Purgatory: Nina, Renée
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Heaven: Esther Jade Anaïs Olive Nina
Purgatory: Margaux Désirée
Hell: Cerise Giselle Aimée Ariel RenéeMoved to Heaven: Olive, Nina
Moved to Hell: Ariel, Renée
Back to Purgatory: Margaux, Désirée
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Heaven: Esther Jade Anaïs Olive Nina DésiréeHell: Cerise Giselle Aimée Ariel Renée MargauxEliminate!
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