[Opinions] Harbor
I met someone who named their son Harbor. What do you think? I don't know if I like it but it's compelling to me for some reason.

Siouxsie Sioux, Queen of Darkness

Siouxsie Sioux, Queen of Darkness
I like it. I wouldn't use it personally (unless perhaps it had special meaning to me), but it's cool. I could see a nautical lover using this name. I also like Haven on a girl. Both give the sense of a homey, comforting meaning imo.
Don't like it at all
Don’t like it at all. Reminds me of Pearl Harbor.
Meh... I like Harper better, and on a girl.
I actually really like the name Harbour. It has a nice sound and conjures pleasant imagery. I prefer it for a girl though. Harbour and Haven would make cute sibling names.
Safe Harbor
I don't love it. But my first thought was "safe harbor", as opposed to harboring resentment or something negative.
I don't love it. But my first thought was "safe harbor", as opposed to harboring resentment or something negative.
Same here.
My actual first impression of Harbor as a name was as a misunderstanding of Harper (which I imagine will happen quite a bit in real life, I can't be the only one). Otherwise, like you I thought of "safe harbor." And like you, I'm not exactly fond of it as a personal name.
My actual first impression of Harbor as a name was as a misunderstanding of Harper (which I imagine will happen quite a bit in real life, I can't be the only one). Otherwise, like you I thought of "safe harbor." And like you, I'm not exactly fond of it as a personal name.
I can see why it appeals, but I admit that I immediately thought of the negative use of the word, like "harbor suspicions" or "harbor a grudge". There's something dark about it for me, which does make it resonate in a compelling sort of way.