[Opinions] Lurline
Am I the only one who finds this variant of Lorelei silvery, shimmery, and lovely? It doesn't register as "hickish" to me.
Some combos:
Lurline Agatha
Lurline Alice
Lurline Amabel
Lurline Amelie
Lurline Augusta
Lurline Aurelia / Aurelie
Lurline Cecily
Lurline Cosima
Lurline Cybele
Lurline Emilie / Emily
Lurline Felicity
Lurline Genevieve
Lurline Helena
Lurline Isabel / Isabelle / Isobel
Lurline Jennifer
Lurline Jessica
Lurline Melisande
Lurline Millicent
Lurline Ottilie
Lurline Patience
Lurline Rosamond / Rosamund
Lurline Stephanie
Lurline Sylvia
Lurline Thessaly
Lurline Tiffany
Lurline Verity
Lurline Viveca
Lurline Vivien / Vivienne
Lurline Winifred
Some combos:
Lurline Agatha
Lurline Alice
Lurline Amabel
Lurline Amelie
Lurline Augusta
Lurline Aurelia / Aurelie
Lurline Cecily
Lurline Cosima
Lurline Cybele
Lurline Emilie / Emily
Lurline Felicity
Lurline Genevieve
Lurline Helena
Lurline Isabel / Isabelle / Isobel
Lurline Jennifer
Lurline Jessica
Lurline Melisande
Lurline Millicent
Lurline Ottilie
Lurline Patience
Lurline Rosamond / Rosamund
Lurline Stephanie
Lurline Sylvia
Lurline Thessaly
Lurline Tiffany
Lurline Verity
Lurline Viveca
Lurline Vivien / Vivienne
Lurline Winifred
This message was edited 5/13/2021, 2:57 PM
Don't like it at all, Lorelei is so much better
Where'd you get the idea that it's a variation of Lorelei?
It's a funny southern name. I have an amazing artist friend whose dog is named Lurleen. So I think it's slinky and fun, with a feather boa and some kind of attitude. But it's also newfangled and tawdry. There's a limit to how much it can dress up
Lurline Patience
Lurline Verity
Lurline Thessaly
are my picks here.
It's a funny southern name. I have an amazing artist friend whose dog is named Lurleen. So I think it's slinky and fun, with a feather boa and some kind of attitude. But it's also newfangled and tawdry. There's a limit to how much it can dress up
Lurline Patience
Lurline Verity
Lurline Thessaly
are my picks here.
It's an opera!
"Louisa Pyne, the first Lurline" !!!#/media/File:Louisa_Pyne_by_Feinberg.jpg)
"Louisa Pyne, the first Lurline" !!!
This message was edited 5/14/2021, 11:07 AM
https://www.behindthename.com/name/lurline/submitted says it's from Lorelei
I like it. I prefer the spelling Lurlene over any other variation. Lurlene gives me the vibe of finding a diamond in the vast ocean of US names that never made it into the top 1000.
This message was edited 5/14/2021, 4:45 AM
Don’t like it, and it seems very hickish indeed, wasn’t it the name of Anne Hathaway’s character in Brokeback Mountain? It’s also kind of difficult to pronounce.
Well......it does sound hickish to me, but that's not a bad thing at all. "-leen " names are really growing on me. I really like this name. It seems glamorous, warm, and unassuming all at the same time.
I like these combos of yours:
Lurline Agatha - I also like Agatha Lurline, oh yes.
Lurline Cecily
Lurline Genevieve
Lurline Isabel / Isabelle / Isobel
Lurline Jessica - this name swapped, Jessica Lurline, would be amazing. Jessie Lurline! Perfection.
Lurline Millicent
Lurline Stephanie
Lurline Sylvia
Lurline Tiffany - how unexpected!
Lurline Verity
I like these combos of yours:
Lurline Agatha - I also like Agatha Lurline, oh yes.
Lurline Cecily
Lurline Genevieve
Lurline Isabel / Isabelle / Isobel
Lurline Jessica - this name swapped, Jessica Lurline, would be amazing. Jessie Lurline! Perfection.
Lurline Millicent
Lurline Stephanie
Lurline Sylvia
Lurline Tiffany - how unexpected!
Lurline Verity
This message was edited 5/14/2021, 3:15 AM
I find it singularly lacking in silvery shimmers, I'm afraid. I've only ever known one; a Lurlyn, actually; and she was supremely forgettable and, yes, more than somewhat hickish.
Since you derive it from Lorelei, how do you pronounce it? My former classmate was, predictably, Lur + Lyn, but would Lorelei cause it to rhyme with Caroline rather than Marilyn or Josephine?
Since you derive it from Lorelei, how do you pronounce it? My former classmate was, predictably, Lur + Lyn, but would Lorelei cause it to rhyme with Caroline rather than Marilyn or Josephine?
Unless your friend's name was different, the second syllable is pronounced -leen. Rhyming with Josephine. But I can't get - leen out of -lyn.
I think someone once described Sloan (which I hate) as beautiful like seal skin, and yeah, I kind of get that sleek/grey murky-but-shimmery water-in-sunlight image from Lurline. It probably reminds me of Llyr. It does register as hickish to me, but oh well.
These were my fav combos-
Lurline Cybele
Lurline Jessica
Lurline Ottilie
Lurline Tiffany
These are what came to mind-
Lurline Galla
Lurline Mozelle
Lurline Vespera
Lurline Audra
These were my fav combos-
Lurline Cybele
Lurline Jessica
Lurline Ottilie
Lurline Tiffany
These are what came to mind-
Lurline Galla
Lurline Mozelle
Lurline Vespera
Lurline Audra
This message was edited 5/13/2021, 6:48 PM
I think it's hilarious. I picture some Dallas trophy wife with huge boobs and a rich husband in the oil business. But Lurline would also be down too earth, funny, smart.
It's not usable imo, but would make a great character name.
It's not usable imo, but would make a great character name.
I see Lurline (or Lurlene, as I've usually encountered it) as sitting in her broken-down recliner in her robe and curlers, all 300 pounds of her, watching one of the shopping channels and eating ice cream straight from the gallon carton and a whole bag of Cheetos at a time.
The first wife of George Wallace, former governor of Alabama, was named Lurleen. That's my only reference for the name. And it kind of reinforces the hickish image. Though, to be fair, I don't know much about her as a person. Just her husband. I actually had no idea it is a variant of Lorelei, though. I am going to try to see this one with fresh eyes. Maybe I will warm up to it.
This message was edited 5/13/2021, 4:20 PM
It is one of the most unattractive names I've come across in looks and sound. Lorelei is a zillion times better! I find Lurline murky, slippery and ugly.
This message was edited 5/13/2021, 5:57 PM
My immediate thought is of Lurleen Lumpkin from that episode of the Simpsons. But it’s kind of wholesome and I don’t even mind the “hickish” association.
I’m going to lean in...
Lurline Loretta
Lurline Charity
Lurline Patricia
Lurline Lou
Lurline Shirlene!
Or for a more serious vibe
Lurline Imelda
Lurline Hypatia
Lurline Honoria
Lurline Clothilde
Lurline Lucasta
Lurline Saveria
I’m going to lean in...
Lurline Loretta
Lurline Charity
Lurline Patricia
Lurline Lou
Lurline Shirlene!
Or for a more serious vibe
Lurline Imelda
Lurline Hypatia
Lurline Honoria
Lurline Clothilde
Lurline Lucasta
Lurline Saveria