[Opinions] Kenna
An acquaintance of mine has a baby named Kenna. The choice struck me as odd. It's not really "now," more 15 years ago trendy but still kind of obscure. It's like Brenna, sort of. I think it appeals to people in this romance novel faux Irish dreamy misty cliff way that I only understand because I read so effing many romance novels as a teen. But otherwise, I find it hard to see its appeal. It's just Ken with some extra letters. Ken. Ken is not glamorous. Ken is a dad mowing a lawn.
Anyway, WDYT of Kenna?

Anyway, WDYT of Kenna?

How funny, I just listed Kenna as a middle name in a combo. I think I prefer it as a middle, but wouldn’t mind meeting a young Kenna. For me, the sound is quite warm, ditto Kenneth, which is reinforced with the “born of fire” meaning, and it feels both friendly and spunky. I’ll admit the mental/sound association with McKenna likely influences me to the positive, as I am fond of a film character, Elise McKenna, who is called “McKenna” by her agent.
I’m pretty neutral to it. I don’t hate it, but it’s nothing I would consider.
I agree with you, it's a boring, vanilla name. McKenna would still be dated, but at least there would be something there. That would be a slight improvement.
It doesn't work for me because "Kenner" in German means "connoisseur, expert" and in most dialects it sounds like Kenna.
Anyway, even apart from that it has a formerly-trendy, bland, boring late 90s/early 00s feel to it that I dislike.
I remember when I was really young and first spending time on the internet and Brenna seemed to be the most hyped name on every single message board. I was kind of surprised to see that it never really took off. It was seen as the perfect and fresh alternative to Brenda and Brianna. I find it ugly in sound, to be honest. Same as Kenna.
Yes, it does feel sort of fake-Irish and romance novel-ish. Ken and Kenneth are not nice to me either.
Kenna fits in perfectly with Brianna, Kendra, Mackenzie, Mckenna, Kenzie etc. so I get a strong 90s/00s vibe. Yes, a bit of an odd choice these days but when you think about it names like Mackenzie and Madison are still in the top 100 even though they're way past their prime so I am not too surprised.
Anyway, even apart from that it has a formerly-trendy, bland, boring late 90s/early 00s feel to it that I dislike.
I remember when I was really young and first spending time on the internet and Brenna seemed to be the most hyped name on every single message board. I was kind of surprised to see that it never really took off. It was seen as the perfect and fresh alternative to Brenda and Brianna. I find it ugly in sound, to be honest. Same as Kenna.
Yes, it does feel sort of fake-Irish and romance novel-ish. Ken and Kenneth are not nice to me either.
Kenna fits in perfectly with Brianna, Kendra, Mackenzie, Mckenna, Kenzie etc. so I get a strong 90s/00s vibe. Yes, a bit of an odd choice these days but when you think about it names like Mackenzie and Madison are still in the top 100 even though they're way past their prime so I am not too surprised.
It sounds like a shortened version of McKenna, which is fairly fashionable now in both the surname and faux-Irish way. I'm no fan of McKenna, but it's better than Kenna, which is in turn better than Kendra, which really is dated.
Definitely better than Kendra. God what an awful name.