[Opinions] Katerina
How do people feel about this name?
It's very nice. I have a weakness for most names related to Katherine. :)
Counting down the days until I go to Spain
Counting down the days until I go to Spain
I prefer Katrina or Katherina, but it's OK

It's only my favorite female name EVER! LOL, I guess you can tell I love it! I prefer this spelling to Katarina because it's closest to the original form of the name, Aikaterine. Katerina is used as a nn in Greece for Aikaterine and other variants.
I love both Katerina and Ekaterina. They're beautiful names :)
I like Katarina better. It's great for someone else to use but I never would.
I LOVE it, but prefer Katarina.
I second this sentiment.
-- Sarah
-- Sarah