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[Facts] Re: origin of last name Deramus
Your information is incorrect. The surname "DERAMUS" originated in HOLLAND and were farmers during religious persecution they were pushed to Northern France and intermarried with the FRENCH HUGERNOTS,who were also farmers. Together theyturned the NORTHERN ROCKY ROUGH TERANE into fertile farm land. Once Southern France realized this was now a productive area, they pushed the Farmers out. The only way them to exit was to steal away to DUBLIN IRELAND where they acquired jobs on steamer ships to the United States. There is NO ITALIAN BLOOD LINE IN THE ORIGINAL DERAMUS LINEAGE. After settling in the US, Many intermarried with Italians, who were also migrating and Native Amerian's mostly Cherokee, Because the were farmers also. They lived in houses had fences, grew crops, raised livestock traded in towns, were NOT RAIDERS as most tribes were. Settling primarily in the Carolina's, Alabama, Louisiana and Arkansas. You will find that a tremendous amount of information about the DeRamus Family, (NEVER SPELLED WITH A SMALL R AlWAY CAPITAL AND ONE WORD, NO SEPARATION). INCLUDING GENEOLOGY is grossly misrepresented. Doing an injustice to the existing and future generations by creating a record they actually know nothing about, so they attach hear-say AND THEN AS A LAST RESORT, THEY GUESS. I have been married to my Italian wife for 49 years. Her family immigrated directly from Italy. Jimmie DeRamus
Alexandria Louisiana
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Well, it's two side, one DeRamus use upper case of the "R" and Deramus use a lowercase "r". I use uppercase "R" and we are all over the place. I found most on Facebook and confirmed from family members from Alabama that actually know them.
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I’m trying to find out where the rest of my family is. I heard it’s lost of Deramus in Alabama
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Hi, Maurice, I'm in Rainbow City, Alabama. Some of my forefathers were DeRamus.
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I have watched your show and assume you are correct. However, for my records and thus who that has been searching for answers, can't you provide the information? You know, the paper or program?Thanks,
Rodger DeRamus
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
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I was looking at this old post, and have never seen anybody with this name, besides my grandmother, it was her maiden name. So I was wondering if we are kin in someway? Her name was Hellon DeRamus. My fathers name is Charles Carr.
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