[Opinions] Alma & Hugh
I had a dream last night about siblings named Alma and Hugh. What are your thoughts on them, both separately and as a set?masculine list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/191050/124079
feminine list: https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/191050/124080
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Aw, cute! The set definitely works. I like Alma way more than Hugh, though.
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I absolutely love them together. I'll probably steal the idea and tuck them away, to be honest. I like that they're both short and not common but not unheard of either. And those meanings! It's the meanings that seal the deal for me and are why I like each name individually as well.
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They go well together. I like both. Probably not enough to use. But I do like them. I do prefer Hugh over Hugo.
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I like Hugh very much; unfortunately it's not practical where I live because many local people can't hear the difference between Hugh and you. So that would leave me with Hugo, which I also like though not as much.Alma is the name of a road near where I grew up; it was named after the Battle of Alma in the Crimean War, so it doesn't seem particularly human on two counts. Good meaning though, if you go back to the Latin as in Alma Mater.
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Absolutely adore Alma and have thought about using it, myself, to honor a dear great-aunt.Hugh is another story. First, I think of the word "hue," which is not bad. But, then I also think about it rhyming with "pee-eww" or just "ewww". I guess I also think of Hugh Grant and Hugh Hefner. On the other hand I think of Huey Lewis and the News, and that's a better association! I do like Huey as a nickname. If you could get over "phooey Huey," it would be great!
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I love Alma!I don’t care much for Hugh, but I like Hugo.
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