[Games] Re: congrats (3 of 4)
in reply to a message by Shayde
LN: Arbor
H: Philip Daniel "Phil" - 42
W: Margarita Julienne "Meggie" - 39
D: Lila Sofia – 9
D: Victoria Rochelle ‘Toria’ - 5
D: Tamaya Benjamine – 3
D: Odessa Felicity
Phil & Meggie Arbor
Lila 9, Toria 5, Tamaya 3, Odessa Arbor

LN: Arbor
H: Philip Daniel "Phil" - 42
W: Margarita Julienne "Meggie" - 39
D: Lila Sofia – 9
D: Victoria Rochelle ‘Toria’ - 5
D: Tamaya Benjamine – 3
D: Odessa Felicity
Phil & Meggie Arbor
Lila 9, Toria 5, Tamaya 3, Odessa Arbor