[Opinions] Justine
I'm suddenly charmed by Justine. I know it's dated in the US (and maybe France, too?), but I've encountered it several times in French movies lately and can't stop thinking about it. I kind of love that it's both the name of a Sade heroine and a familiar trans-continental name. In one of the aforementioned movies, Justine was called Juju affectionately, which I also love.
Some combos, of course:
Justine Eulalia / Eulalie
Justine Rosamond / Rosemonde
Justine Flavia
Justine Olympia
Justine Perpetua
Justine Corisande
Justine Melisande / Millicent
Justine Meroflede
Justine Beatrice
Justine Cecily
Justine Sibylla / Sibyl / Sibylle
Justine Cybele
Justine Fortunata
Justine Herais
Justine Sylvia
Justine Marguerite
Justine Isadora / Isidora
Justine Viveca
Justine Violette
Justine Iris
Justine Alix
Justine Primula
Justine Fiammetta
Justine Ismene
Justine Iseult / Yseult
Justine Fabiola
Justine Clarice
Justine Opal
Justine Pearl
Justine Ruby
Justine Cosima
Justine Elektra
Justine Eloise
Some combos, of course:
Justine Eulalia / Eulalie
Justine Rosamond / Rosemonde
Justine Flavia
Justine Olympia
Justine Perpetua
Justine Corisande
Justine Melisande / Millicent
Justine Meroflede
Justine Beatrice
Justine Cecily
Justine Sibylla / Sibyl / Sibylle
Justine Cybele
Justine Fortunata
Justine Herais
Justine Sylvia
Justine Marguerite
Justine Isadora / Isidora
Justine Viveca
Justine Violette
Justine Iris
Justine Alix
Justine Primula
Justine Fiammetta
Justine Ismene
Justine Iseult / Yseult
Justine Fabiola
Justine Clarice
Justine Opal
Justine Pearl
Justine Ruby
Justine Cosima
Justine Elektra
Justine Eloise
It's ok
Mn Beatrice Marguerite Viveca Pearl Ruby Eloise
Mn Beatrice Marguerite Viveca Pearl Ruby Eloise
Justine is a beautiful name. I can definitely see the appeal. It definitely has that dominant woman vibe to it. I dig that. It’s actually quite ironic because I couldn’t care for Justin. Maybe with something a opposing to that would be cool. Justine Fiammetta, and Justine Opal is awesome.
Justine Ines
Justine Agnes
Justine Ghada
Justine Pallas
Justine Arwen
Justine Corinna
Justine Galadriel
Justine Imogen
Justine Ileana
Justine Aida
Justine Aisha
Justine Europa
Justine Sabrina
Justine Ruby
Justine Xena
Justine Athena
Justine Minerva
Justine Cleopatra
Justine Aphrodite
Justine Leona
Justine Vivienne
Justine Octavia
Justine Ines
Justine Agnes
Justine Ghada
Justine Pallas
Justine Arwen
Justine Corinna
Justine Galadriel
Justine Imogen
Justine Ileana
Justine Aida
Justine Aisha
Justine Europa
Justine Sabrina
Justine Ruby
Justine Xena
Justine Athena
Justine Minerva
Justine Cleopatra
Justine Aphrodite
Justine Leona
Justine Vivienne
Justine Octavia
Justine never fails to remind me of the Smashing Pumpkins song "1979" (one of my favorites by them): As a name, on its own, I think Justine is beautiful. There's a tough yet melancholy aspect as well - it's a similar melancholy that I find with Alice; but whereas that name just makes me sad, Justine's toughness manages to charm me.
Of the combos you made, I like:
Justine Perpetua
Justine Melisande
Justine Herais (this is intriguing)
Justine Sylvia
Justine Marguerite
Justine Isidora
Justine Iris
Justine Alix
Justine Fiammetta
Justine Iseult
Justine Clarice (though I think Justine Clarisse would look better)
Justine Eloise
Similar to some of the ones you have, I'd propose:
Justine Elise
Justine Hera
Justine Sylvie
And also:
Justine Alessia
Justine Amaryllis
Justine Antoinette
Justine Aurelia
Justine Autumn
Justine Eliana
Justine Elinor
Justine Ivy
Justine Linnéa / Justine Linnaea
Justine Lydia
Justine Theresa / Justine Teresa
Justine Tirzah
Justine Valerie
Of the combos you made, I like:
Justine Perpetua
Justine Melisande
Justine Herais (this is intriguing)
Justine Sylvia
Justine Marguerite
Justine Isidora
Justine Iris
Justine Alix
Justine Fiammetta
Justine Iseult
Justine Clarice (though I think Justine Clarisse would look better)
Justine Eloise
Similar to some of the ones you have, I'd propose:
Justine Elise
Justine Hera
Justine Sylvie
And also:
Justine Alessia
Justine Amaryllis
Justine Antoinette
Justine Aurelia
Justine Autumn
Justine Eliana
Justine Elinor
Justine Ivy
Justine Linnéa / Justine Linnaea
Justine Lydia
Justine Theresa / Justine Teresa
Justine Tirzah
Justine Valerie
I think it's a very pretty name, though better in the middle name place, I think. It's kind of almost intimidating, like a dominatrix type name. Mistress Justine will bring you to the edge of your comfort zone and then kick you over it.
I teach a couple of teenage girls named Justine. It's a lovely name, friendly and also elegant all at once.
Justine Hermione
Justine Lois
Justine Margot
Justine Sophia
Justine Dominique
Justine Marsaili
Justine Louise
Justine Claudette
Justine Veronique
Justine Emily
Justine Magnolia
Justine Camilla
Justine Laura
Justine Raquel
Justine Diana
Justine Sotiria
Justine Felicity
Justine Imelda
Justine Hermione
Justine Lois
Justine Margot
Justine Sophia
Justine Dominique
Justine Marsaili
Justine Louise
Justine Claudette
Justine Veronique
Justine Emily
Justine Magnolia
Justine Camilla
Justine Laura
Justine Raquel
Justine Diana
Justine Sotiria
Justine Felicity
Justine Imelda
It’s nice. I like the combos you made.
I like it. I wonder if at least in Francophone countries it isn’t going to make a comeback.