[Opinions] Re: Augusta vs. Philippa
in reply to a message by Starfish and Coffee
I like them both more in theory than practice, but I actually like Augusta A LOT, and Philippa only a little.
Like I REALLY like Augusta in theory. In practice, the "Au" seems like it should be more important. I really pronounce it (schwa)-gusta. Which I guess is really not bad if you don't mind Gustie or Gussie, which I don't. Philippa never gets comfortable IMO.
Augusta Rena is a good combo, honoring for me...
Augusta Jane is nice, I really like Jane in the middle even if it is a bit filler, it's like super comfortable overalls with great pockets
I find it a bit awkward to combine. I might just grab for two austere Roman names in a row like Augusta Julia or something. If it can't be a nice combo, then let it be striking and dignified.
I have a character named Augusta and I think her middle name is Grace. Augusta Grace - that's sort of funny isn't it?

Like I REALLY like Augusta in theory. In practice, the "Au" seems like it should be more important. I really pronounce it (schwa)-gusta. Which I guess is really not bad if you don't mind Gustie or Gussie, which I don't. Philippa never gets comfortable IMO.
Augusta Rena is a good combo, honoring for me...
Augusta Jane is nice, I really like Jane in the middle even if it is a bit filler, it's like super comfortable overalls with great pockets
I find it a bit awkward to combine. I might just grab for two austere Roman names in a row like Augusta Julia or something. If it can't be a nice combo, then let it be striking and dignified.
I have a character named Augusta and I think her middle name is Grace. Augusta Grace - that's sort of funny isn't it?