[Opinions] Re: Evening
in reply to a message by Array
I think I once posted about this as I dislike it, but now that I think about, I like it more and more. Evey is a nice nickname. I like Evening Cornelia, Evening Rebecca, Evening Clarisse, and Evening Teresa from your list. It's one of the few word names that I like (sorry, Thursday, Juniper, they just don't cut it for me as a regular name).
Some other ideas:
Evening Rose
Evening Maria
Evening Katherine (etc.)
Evening Ruth (previously suggested)
Evening Sunniva

Some other ideas:
Evening Rose
Evening Maria
Evening Katherine (etc.)
Evening Ruth (previously suggested)
Evening Sunniva
- Hope I've helped!

Does Evening Maria strike you as a bit close to "Ave Maria"? That's the first thing that popped into my head, and it's not something that bothers me (makes me feel less heathen in using the name, lol), but I'm wondering if I'm the only one who'd make the connection there.
Oooh--speaking of avoiding hellfires for naming a daughter Evening ;), what of Evening Veronica? Veronica is my Confirmation name and a saint I've admired since I was in elementary school and first became interested in the saints. And her nickname would be even more obvious--look at the initials! :D
Evening Lucia? Evening Perpetua? Evening Cecilia? ...None quite match up to Evening Veronica, lol.
Array (also likes Evening Sunniva but has been lead off-track by her own conjectures, lol)
She had fallen against the windows, which were pressed against the windows, which were pressed against the old oak near across the age of the old Aunt Sophronia--was almost dreadful enough to walk on.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Oooh--speaking of avoiding hellfires for naming a daughter Evening ;), what of Evening Veronica? Veronica is my Confirmation name and a saint I've admired since I was in elementary school and first became interested in the saints. And her nickname would be even more obvious--look at the initials! :D
Evening Lucia? Evening Perpetua? Evening Cecilia? ...None quite match up to Evening Veronica, lol.
Array (also likes Evening Sunniva but has been lead off-track by her own conjectures, lol)
She had fallen against the windows, which were pressed against the windows, which were pressed against the old oak near across the age of the old Aunt Sophronia--was almost dreadful enough to walk on.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
Yes to Evening Veronica!
As far as word names go, Evening is positively gorgeous (although I'd never use it ;-)), and I adore Veronica. It being your Confirmation name only makes it all the more cooler.
"How you turned my world, you precious thing.
You starve and near exhaust me.
Everything I've done, I've done for you.
I move the stars for no one."
"Within You"
As far as word names go, Evening is positively gorgeous (although I'd never use it ;-)), and I adore Veronica. It being your Confirmation name only makes it all the more cooler.
You starve and near exhaust me.
Everything I've done, I've done for you.
I move the stars for no one."
"Within You"