[Opinions] Re: Agafya
in reply to a message by )(
Maybe it looks better using the Cyrillic or Russian alphabet. Agatha makes me think of a hag witch in a fable, so that connotation carries over somewhat. Agafya does sound a little more spry and naturish.
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Agafya  ·  )(  ·  1/26/2022, 1:05 AM
Re: Agafya  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  1/29/2022, 3:43 AM
Re: Agafya  ·  RB Constance  ·  1/27/2022, 10:06 AM
Re: Agafya  ·  Fiammetta  ·  1/26/2022, 7:21 AM
Re: Agafya  ·  cherrypiee  ·  1/26/2022, 2:11 AM