[Opinions] Emma
What do you think of the name Emma? I love it. Unforutately it isn't my real name, but I use it for blogs, and informal documents.
I love it, but it's SO overdone! Emmeline and Emilia are also gorgeous, and less popular.
I have a friend that used to be nuts about the name Emma. She kept repeatedly telling me that when she grew up she was going to be a PE teacher and have a daughter named Emma.
If it wasn't so mainstream, then maybe I'd consider it, but I don't want my daughter going to school being Emma Y or Emma C or Emma Number 264890!
Reality is a poor substitute for my dreams.
If it wasn't so mainstream, then maybe I'd consider it, but I don't want my daughter going to school being Emma Y or Emma C or Emma Number 264890!
Reality is a poor substitute for my dreams.
it is coom, but so are names like Sarah, and Emily.
I love it, and wish my dh would too.
~Erin Lee, wife of Matthew James, mama to Sarah Patrice~
~Erin Lee, wife of Matthew James, mama to Sarah Patrice~
I do love it. I can see how it's so popular!


I think its really cute! Good name
I never liked it really. It is really popular in my area.
Counting down the days until I go to Spain
Counting down the days until I go to Spain
I know it's popualar, but I like mainstream names. It was my great Grandmother's name. I've been to her grave a few times.
"Yawn" is what I think of when I hear Emma, I'm afraid.
I really wish it wasn't so boringly popular, because it's a family name on both my parents' sides. And I really love my g-gma's name, Emma Frieda. But it is popular, and I'm sick of the sound of it.
Always remember the Fitz family motto: Believe in yourself, believe in others, and work like hell.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I really wish it wasn't so boringly popular, because it's a family name on both my parents' sides. And I really love my g-gma's name, Emma Frieda. But it is popular, and I'm sick of the sound of it.
Always remember the Fitz family motto: Believe in yourself, believe in others, and work like hell.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
It's cute. I like it.
-- Sarah
-- Sarah
I love the name Emma. One of my flower girls' names was Emma Grace. She's adorable and a real sweetie pie so the association is very good for me.

That's good. I perfer Emma Ann, or Emma Rose though.
I don't like it much, mainly because it's been overused for a very long time. sorry..

I love Emma it's in my top 30.

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?

Ron Weasley: Mum sent me something...
Ron Weasley: Mum sent me a dress.
Harry: Well it does match your eyes. Is there a bonnet?
It's my #1 name.