[Games] Re: CAF Generation
DH [88] Christopher Lucian Fuller
ExW [85] Lilith Veronica Perkins DS1 [59] Oliver Lucian Fuller
DS2 [56] Dominic Christopher FullerKit and Lilith with Oliver and DominicDW [70] Aurelia Eleanor [Lenten] Fuller DD1 [41] Alice Mathilda [Fuller]
DS3 [38] Roman Jay Fuller
DS4 [35] Alexander Evan Fuller
DS5 [31] Sebastian Daniel Fuller
DS6 [28] Michael Arthur FullerKit and Aurelia with Alice, Roman, Alex, Seb and Mikey--
DS1 [59] Oliver Lucian Fuller
DW [55] Natalie Cecilia [Collins] FullerDD [21] Lilith Veronica [Fuller] King
- DH [28] James Kieran King
- DD [exp] Grace Alexandra King
Lilith and Jamie exp GraceDD & DS [18] Natalie Cecilia Fuller & Oliver Lucian Fuller
DS [14] Noah Collins Fuller
DS [12] Christopher Lucian Fuller
DS [10] Luca Sebastian Fuller
DS [7] Joseph Henry Fuller Oliver and Natalie with Lilith, Natalie, Ollie, Noah, Kit, Luca and Joey--
DS2 [56] Dominic Christopher Fuller
DW [56] Chloe Alexis [Andrews] FullerDD [31] Avery Chloe [Fuller] Jackson
- DH [35] Robert Milo Jackson
Avery with husband RobertDD [29] Skye Poppy [Fuller] Lane
- DH [31] Logan Isaac Lane
- DD [4] Lucia Skye Lane
- DS [1] Logan Isaac Lane
- DD [exp] Liliana Chloe Lane
Skye and Logan with Lucia, Logan and exp LilianaDominic and Chloe with Avery and Skye--
DD1 [41] Alice Mathilda [Fuller] Damon
DH [50] Henry Tristan DamonDD [24] Alice Mathilda [Damon] Kendall
- DH [26] Hugo Noah Kendall
Alice with husband Hugo DS [22] Christopher Lucian Damon
- DW [26] Isabelle Elizabeth [George] Damon
Kit with wife IzzyDS [21] Callum Sebastian Damon
DD [15] Lilith Veronica Damon
DD [13] Selena Ada Damon
DD [11] Harlow Arista Damon
DD [9] Carina Thea Damon
DD [7] Luna Delaney Damon
DS [5] Jack Henry Damon
DS [2] Alexander Samuel Damon
DS [exp] Aidan Edward DamonAlice and Henry with Alice, Kit, Callum, Lilith, Selena, Harlow, Carina, Luna, Jack, Sasha and exp Aidan--
DS3 [38] Roman Jay Fuller
DW [46] Lily Claudia [Wainwright] FullerDS [8] Ezra Christopher Fuller
DD [7] Athena Lilith Fuller
DS [6] Soren Roman Fuller
DS [3] Arlo Wainwright FullerRoman and Lily with Ezra, Athena, Soren and Arlo--
DS4 [35] Alexander Evan Fuller
DW [31] Eleanor Rose [Brown] FullerDD [10] Nova Lilith Fuller
DD [8] Aurelia Eleanor Fuller
DS [5] Mason Brown Fuller
DD [2] Lorelei Grace Fuller
DD [nb] Isabella Eden FullerAlex and Eleanor with Nova, Aurelia, Mason, Lorelei and Izzy--
DS5 [31] Sebastian Daniel Fuller
ExW [31] Cecily Everleigh Winslow DS [4] Layton Clay Fuller Seb and Cecily with LaytonDW [28] Maya Linnea [Parker] Fuller DD [exp] Maya Linnea FullerSeb and Maya exp Maya--
DS6 [28] Michael Arthur Fuller
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CAF Generation  ·  Patience2010  ·  11/5/2021, 1:59 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  shelbie03  ·  10/23/2022, 2:43 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  libbydecember  ·  5/1/2022, 6:32 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  dramallama  ·  4/7/2022, 9:28 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Katie  ·  2/23/2022, 6:36 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  ari.  ·  11/11/2021, 2:39 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Sigrid  ·  11/10/2021, 10:51 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Julia  ·  11/10/2021, 6:53 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Crista  ·  11/8/2021, 7:24 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Angrboða  ·  11/6/2021, 5:29 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Emaleigh  ·  11/6/2021, 3:12 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  persimmon  ·  11/6/2021, 8:13 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Pink Princess  ·  11/6/2021, 12:28 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Ninor  ·  11/5/2021, 11:31 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Bella  ·  11/5/2021, 4:14 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  molly  ·  11/5/2021, 3:51 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  ValerieK  ·  11/5/2021, 3:31 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Wordsmith  ·  11/5/2021, 2:34 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Jessamine  ·  11/5/2021, 2:24 PM