[Opinions] Idun / Iduna
My Swedish friend named her daughter Iduna (middle name) and when looking at the Swedish top 100 I came across the name Idun (F).
What do you think of these names?

What do you think of these names?

I agree with Chloë. I especially love Idony.
I love contemplating Idun/Idony/Iduna in theory; I love how it looks and I love the meaning, but I always fumble the pronunciation. Still, it's nice to see it's used so much somewhere! Congrats to them :)
I think they're both gorgeous~
But I favor Idunn because of the mythology.
Iduna is also the name of the mother in Frozen.
But I favor Idunn because of the mythology.
Iduna is also the name of the mother in Frozen.
I'm almost ashamed to say that I have never seen Frozen. I only have nephews and they prefer action movies!
lol nothing to be ashamed of! The first movie isn't all that great anyways, besides that one song. The sequel has some pretty cool moments, however.