[Opinions] Clemency
What do you guys think of the name Clemency? What would you pair it with? Would you prefer Clementine?
Clemency has really been growing on me lately. I think it might be my new guilty pleasure. It’s a cute, elegant, and interesting girl name that also sounds quite masculine. It’s a nice name. Clemency Anna is a combo I’m thinking of.
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

Clemency has really been growing on me lately. I think it might be my new guilty pleasure. It’s a cute, elegant, and interesting girl name that also sounds quite masculine. It’s a nice name. Clemency Anna is a combo I’m thinking of.

I think it's terrible!
While my preference is Clementine, do quite like Clemency. Disagree that it smacks masculine or that it is 'cute' but agree it is elegant and unusual. Think it needs a good solid mn like Bronwen, Gail, Patrice, something with a hard sound.
It's overblown, prissy, not cute and not elegant. It isn't even the same in meaning as Mercy, though it started out that way. Clemency pretty much exclusively now refers to "leniency" is the closest translation, and it's what the convict asks from the governor, whether he actually deserves it or not.
Even Clement doesn't have its original use anymore. It's rarely seen as an adjective, only its opposite, inclement, is used, referring to bad weather.
Even Clement doesn't have its original use anymore. It's rarely seen as an adjective, only its opposite, inclement, is used, referring to bad weather.
One of the very few virtue names that I like and would consider using.
ETA: where I live, 'clemency' does not exist as a legal term or an option for sentenced offenders. It has the same, generalised meaning as 'mercy', which has a strongly puritan image as a name, unlike Clemency.
ETA: where I live, 'clemency' does not exist as a legal term or an option for sentenced offenders. It has the same, generalised meaning as 'mercy', which has a strongly puritan image as a name, unlike Clemency.
This message was edited 6/1/2022, 7:12 AM
Not namey, imo. I always think of granting clemency to criminals. I've never really heard it seriously used in any other context, but I have heard that one many times. Because of that, I get a feeling like it means ... something mitigating expected bad consequences, rather than something pleasant in itself. The -ency ending also has a smug/prissy/twee, self-consciously-quaint vibe, to me, kinda like most of the -ity names do.
Clemence, though, would work IMO. Namier and not as passive-sounding. Makes me think of clement weather, pleasantness and mildness. It's more unisex, too (Clemency to me would seem only feminine).
Clement is even better. Very unisex and very namey IMO. Despite being a word - since it's not one I ever hear spoken aloud.
Clementia would be kinda cool.
Clementine is better than Clemency.
Clemence, though, would work IMO. Namier and not as passive-sounding. Makes me think of clement weather, pleasantness and mildness. It's more unisex, too (Clemency to me would seem only feminine).
Clement is even better. Very unisex and very namey IMO. Despite being a word - since it's not one I ever hear spoken aloud.
Clementia would be kinda cool.
Clementine is better than Clemency.
This message was edited 6/1/2022, 12:08 PM