[Opinions] Pip and Amos
I have a few questions:
I like Philip nickname Pip. Is that too close to pimp? I'm in the US where Pip / Pippa are relatively new in terms of usage, especially Pip.
I like Amos too, but again I worry about associations. It seems too close to a certain body part, and like it would invite teasing. Am I worrying about nothing?

I like Philip nickname Pip. Is that too close to pimp? I'm in the US where Pip / Pippa are relatively new in terms of usage, especially Pip.
I like Amos too, but again I worry about associations. It seems too close to a certain body part, and like it would invite teasing. Am I worrying about nothing?

I've known a few Philip people, and they've all answered to Phil. And all the Philippa people have been Pippa. So a boy Pip would surprise me, Great Expectations or not!
I wouldn't expect a body-part issue with Amos: when kids are at the stage of finding body parts comical, they tend not to use the anatomical term: Willy would be much more likely to attract their attention. What I would expect would be shortening Amos to Amy ... that would give naughty kids a lot of pleasure.
I wouldn't expect a body-part issue with Amos: when kids are at the stage of finding body parts comical, they tend not to use the anatomical term: Willy would be much more likely to attract their attention. What I would expect would be shortening Amos to Amy ... that would give naughty kids a lot of pleasure.
I don't think Pip/pimp would occur to me unless pointed out. I do think Amos and anus might be problematic, though.
Pip may be called a “pimp,” but I don’t think that should alter you. Regardless, I much prefer Phillip (this spelling) with the nickname “Phill” or “Phil”. It’s solely because of how it sounds.
Amos reminds me of Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies. I do think that Amos sounds close to the anus, but I wouldn’t let that alter you either. Out of the two, I’d pick Amos if I had to.
Amos reminds me of Famous Amos chocolate chip cookies. I do think that Amos sounds close to the anus, but I wouldn’t let that alter you either. Out of the two, I’d pick Amos if I had to.
I don't think Pip was ever much of a thing in the US, no more than Pippa was. It comes off as very faux-British, and also trying way too hard to be ... cute, puckish, in a very Brit-lit kind of way. (Same for Pippa, but it's more like the bizarre-hats-at-horse-races-and-yachting-parties-with-people-called-Wiffy-and-Bonzo. The pimp thing doesn't even come in to it, I don't think.
Amos is very tempting to make fun of once kids learn about the excretory system. (I wouldn't think Angus would so much, except I have twice seen signs in restaurants advertising an Anus Burger. I wish I was making them up.) To me, Amos also has a whiff of ... blackface about it, because of the old-time radio and TV show Amos n Andy, who at least on the radio were done by white actors doing very stereotypical and offensive-by-modern-standards dialect. It's before kids' time, and mine and yours, but it feels almost on a par with Jemima; a perfectly reasonable Bible name with too much racial baggage. (It also has a strong Amish or Mennonite feel to it.)
Amos is very tempting to make fun of once kids learn about the excretory system. (I wouldn't think Angus would so much, except I have twice seen signs in restaurants advertising an Anus Burger. I wish I was making them up.) To me, Amos also has a whiff of ... blackface about it, because of the old-time radio and TV show Amos n Andy, who at least on the radio were done by white actors doing very stereotypical and offensive-by-modern-standards dialect. It's before kids' time, and mine and yours, but it feels almost on a par with Jemima; a perfectly reasonable Bible name with too much racial baggage. (It also has a strong Amish or Mennonite feel to it.)
Didn’t know that about Amos! Thanks for the info.
These are not at all the associations that I have with either name.
I like Philip, but I don't really care for Pip. I genuinely doubt that "pimp" would be the immediate association, though.
I don't really care for Amos. Maybe it's just me, but I'd sooner associate Amos with "Famous Amos" than "Amos Anus."
I like Philip, but I don't really care for Pip. I genuinely doubt that "pimp" would be the immediate association, though.
I don't really care for Amos. Maybe it's just me, but I'd sooner associate Amos with "Famous Amos" than "Amos Anus."