[Opinions] Chastity, Chasity, & Charity
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Chastity -I like the sound, but it has lots of teasing potential so I would never use it.Chasity -looks like a typoCharity -like
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Charity is really nice, Chastity is awkward and purity-culture-ish, Chasity is just nonsensical.
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Chastity would feel Puritan and controlling on a daughter. Even Temperance is preferable.
Chasity is somehow worse, as it indicates both outdated values and an outdated attitude towards spelling standardisation.
Charity is the best of the three, and the best of its usual trio: Faith, Hope, and Charity. It's ever so slightly more lively and exciting than the incredibly dull Faith and Hope. The vibes Charity gives me are someone raised very religious who, in an act of rebellion, moves from her tiny village to a tiny town where she works as a waitress in a diner and goes by Cherry.
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Charity is a good quality but not on a human. Rather consider Cara or even Caritas.Chasity is a spelling error based on a sloppy pronunciation. Disastrous.Chastity, as in Belt? Not what I'd call a modern concept. Should definitely be avoided for the birth sign of Virgo.
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I hate to go there but Chastity / Chasity is considered a stripper name where I live. Not that strippers aren't human beings or anything let's not get into that again, I'm just saying it's a sexualized performative name and not a legal one. Imo. Charity I subtly like. My sister had a very sweet piano teacher named Charity growing up that always made us cookies or some type of snack each lesson she had so I always associate with nice, musically inclined woman. Her mom had a virtue name too so I wonder if it was consciously to continue that? Her daughter had a word name as well but not a virtue: Melody. Very suitable for a music teacher.For some reason I like Charity Winifred / Winifred Charity. It feels very cottagecore and dainty.

This message was edited 7/17/2022, 10:25 PM

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I like those combos!
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I think it's wild that anyone named their child Chastity at any point in history, but particularly in the last several decades. Chasity is even worse - it's a misspelled word.Charity is the most useable of the three but that's really not saying much at all.Honestly, I can't advocate any of these names being used.If you want to use a virtue name, Faith, Hope, Joy, etc. are all far better.
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Chastity I don’t like the meaning of. It’s outdated.
Chasity is weirdly close to Cassidy so it would probably be one of those names that are commonly misheard.
Charity is probably the best one here but it’s sorta too cute and sweet for my tastes.
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Chastity is actually okay sound wise but it gives me bad vibes. Not a good name for a girl, at all. Makes me feeling like they value her hoohah more than the daughter herself. Not wanting your daughter to get into sex work or lose her virginity by 14 isn’t bad or anything, but this name is just weird, sorry. I’d use Chastity Anna.Charity is actually kinda cute and pretty. Very warm and welcoming. I’d like to see this name. Charity Reine or Charity Belle would be nice.Chasity I like the sound of this. Chasity Rose?
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I like Charity more.
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