[Opinions] Linden
I came across the name Linden today. I’m kinda digging it. What’s the your thoughts on Linden for a boy?
"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare


I've always had such a huge soft spot for Linden on a boy. I love the Lyndon spelling, too, but there's just something about the tree spelling that edges it out a tiny bit. This is a name I really wouldn't mind seeing more often, but it probably will never be super common for boys, and that makes it even better.
I think I like it best out of the Linden, Lyndon (probably my 2nd favorite, I know one in real life), Lynton, Linton spellings. The character Linton in Wuthering Heights was a sickly, weak, and not very nice character so that's what I usually think of when these names come up, unfortunately. Otherwise, I like that it's a nature/tree name, which is why I prefer the Linden spelling. It is a very "soft" sounding name, which some might like and might turn others off for a boy's name.
I'm actually surprised that it isn't more popular as a feminine name. People who like Laurel, want to honor a Linda, or like other -den boys' names for girls (like Hayden) would probably go for this one.
I'm actually surprised that it isn't more popular as a feminine name. People who like Laurel, want to honor a Linda, or like other -den boys' names for girls (like Hayden) would probably go for this one.
Meh, It's fine on a boy. I really don't get how it is considered "unisex" though.
I think it's beautiful. It's not my taste, but it's beautiful.
Meh. Prefer Lincoln.