[Opinions] Luda
What does everyone think of the name Luda (for a girl)? I heard it the other day and I like it (don't think I'd actually use it though).
Mum to Hayley Anne
Mum to Hayley Anne
Not far off from Lewd.
It doesn't have the sound or feel that I like in a name.

I prefer it as a nickname
It is nice as a nickname for Ludmila and related names.
Counting down the days until I go to Spain
It is nice as a nickname for Ludmila and related names.
Counting down the days until I go to Spain
I don't like it, it reminds me of Ludo from Labyrinth - sure, he was a sweetie, but I wouldn't name my child after him!

I don't like it either. It seems like you're either mispronouncing Luna, or you have something in your throat. ;)
It has a clodding, unattractive sound, IMO.
I like Luna, though.
Always remember the Fitz family motto: Believe in yourself, believe in others, and work like hell.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I like Luna, though.
Always remember the Fitz family motto: Believe in yourself, believe in others, and work like hell.
A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.
I don't know if he's popular in Australia where you are, but in the U.S. there's a popular male rapper named Ludacris who goes by Luda. So that's all I can think of when I hear the name. Hard to imagine it on a little girl!
...Same here!
how do you say it, like Loo-da? i don't like it, i like Luna better.
Yeah its Loo-da? Luna sounds like Looney to me lol. :)
Mum to Hayley Anne
Mum to Hayley Anne