[Opinions] Thoughts on the name Scottie for a girl?
What do you think of the name Scottie for a girl?
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A Scottie or Scottish Terrier is a type of dog, so it doesn't work well on either a boy or girl human.
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I don’t care for the name Scottie. I’d prefer just Scott, if anything.
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It could be a fun NN for Scotia, maybe. Scottie. Hmm. It sounds better suited to a book character rather than a real person, but I don't hate it.
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Ditto! 💯
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I find the idea a bit on the appalling side. It's barely palatable for a boy - under the age of 8 only - it simply cannot make the jump to girls.
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Despite it being cutesy, its not very girly. Which is strange, as I find Carly and Jamie somewhat girly.
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Scottie is the opposite of femininity. I find it awful on a boy. I may consider it for a dog, but I’d have to be coerced into it.
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Reminds me of FS Fitzgerald ‘s daughter.
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I personally keep thinking of Michael Scott from the Office and Scott toilet tissue. (Not trying to be rude or ill intent) I just think this one doesn’t hit. I personally love more feminine names for girls especially unique ones but wishing you the best in name picking. :)
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I think it's kids'-TV cutesy on a boy as a nn for Scott. On a girl it sounds agressively butch, like her name is really Amanda Scott or something else Scott and she goes by Scottie to be "one of the boys."
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It would be unfortunate, but hopefully a nickname (not sure what for other than a ln Scott). As a given name it does nothing for me but isn’t the worst out there. You know what, maybe it’s actually kind of cute. But only as a nn.
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It is likely to happen, for males and females alike, when the surname is Scott. But it usually doesn't last beyond adolescence; unlike Mac, which seems to appear in adulthood if at all. Or perhaps it's different in other places. It certainly isn't a name I'd ever give to anyone: I don't like lnfns at the best of times, and when they get a diminutive ending it makes them that much worse.
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