[Opinions] Name Sighting (kind of)
There’s a story going around online about an influencer who let her 5 year old daughter bleach her hair blonde at a salon.I don’t really care about the story, but the daughter’s name did catch my interest.The mother’s name is Demi, the daughter (5) is…Maude!I think I like it…WDYT of Maude?
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I love Maude and Maud, although I prefer the Maude spelling because it looks more complete. It's one of those vintage names that is definitely ready for a comeback. And the nickname Maudie is adorable. I might even go full medieval and suggest Maude as a short form of Matilda...
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I love Maud (this spelling). The E feels superfluous.
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Maud is OK; that -e on the end is extraneous. I've only known one Maud, and she is lively and cheerful, with a powerful social conscience. Good impression! Demi is dreadful.
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I saw the story too! I think she should let her child decide to bleach her hair by herself, not by the mother.I like Maude too! It's simple and looks French haha, I also like Maudie.
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On somebody else’s child….yes yes yes! I wouldn’t use it though.
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Love the name, hate any story that has the ridiculous 'influencer' in it.
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Don't like it
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I'm really into Maude right now so it's exciting to see a young Maude! It has to have that 'e' though.
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Which is the greater sin, the bleached hair or the name Maude?
Maude. No contest. An ugly name lasts a lot longer than an ugly hair color.
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I actually love Maude, but prefer the spelling Maud. As in "Come Into the the Garden, Maud." I think it's due for a resurgence, although it may have just been overlooked because although a lot of names that were popular in the late 19th century have had a peak, Maud is one syllable and ends with a "d". Perhaps the sound isn't as fashionable as some of the other names that were "rediscovered".
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