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[Games] Re: Love, Like, Lose
Love: Miranda, Sylvia, Rosemary
Like: Sarah, Diana, Adella
Lose: Catherine, Marlene, JoyceMiranda, Sylvia, Rosemary, Sarah, Diana, Adella, Louise, Virginia, HalimaLISTEN TO THE MUSTN'TS
- Shel SilversteinListen to the MUSTN'TS, child,
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me—
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.
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Love: Diana, Nadia, Miranda
Like: Meredith, Celine, Rose
Lose: Juno, Pauline, JaneDiana, Nadia, Miranda, Meredith, Celine, Rose, Priscilla, Ivy, Odette

This message was edited 1/16/2023, 10:43 PM

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Love: Kiera, Eleanor, Rose
Like: Hazel, Nadia, Luna
Lose: Astrid, Delilah, WillowWow, this was hard, I really like them all!Kiera, Eleanor, Rose, Hazel, Nadia, Luna, Uma, Vivian, Phoebe
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Love: Elowen, Nadia, Fern
Like: Rose, Keira, Laura
Lose: Heidi, Hazel, PhoebeElowen, Nadia, Fern, Rose, Keira, Laura, Isabeau, Alice, Dahlia
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It will be uncomfortable to read messages the future because of how small they're getting, so I created this post to continue the game:
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