[Opinions] Re: Txunamy
in reply to a message by Kora
Ooof.First, I googled Txunamy and found the IMDB for a Txunamy with extra oof in it, I quote: 'She was born on 23rd March 2009. She was a toddler (between 5-7) and rose eminence for her Instagram posts, elegant and pretty looks, and family YouTube channel (Familia Diamond), famous for funny skits and pranks. Minutiae: Txunamy's mother Esthalla, became pregnant with her at 16, however, somehow managed through this strenuous epoch from her reassuring boyfriend Sdiezzel then now husband. Furthermore, Esthalla dated Sdiezzel when she was 14, and perceived that he was a suitable one for her. Txunamy has 1 sister and 2 brothers. Txunamy Ortiz is 1.63m/ 5'4ft tall (as of 2023).' I mean, besides the weird, weird choice of language that makes me think the family or someone associated wrote it but had no idea what the words meant? It's sort of bizarre. 'Stenuous epoch' doesn't make you sound smart, it's just kinda funny lol. Also, talking about the 'elegant and pretty looks' of a literal child, maybe it's a personal thing, but...yuck.Beyond that, as a name... utterly horrible and showing a heartbreaking lack of compassion. Yes, the word 'tsunami' does sound pretty... but whenever I hear about a tsunami in the news, I feel sick with horror and sadness for the people who passed in the disaster and their families. There's not really much pretty about the devastation. In fact, the whole idea triggers such fear and anxiety for me, for so many reasons, but also the sheer heartbreak of all existing tsunami victims and their families... that's a big yeesh. Not something to name a kid after.Here's some other ideas. Eartha-Qwayke, Vylcano, New-kleo Destryctionne, I mean please...don't...
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Txunamy  ·  Kora  ·  5/1/2023, 4:10 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  travis  ·  4/21/2024, 5:56 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  travis  ·  4/21/2024, 5:50 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  travis  ·  4/21/2024, 5:45 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  Mary R.  ·  5/2/2023, 5:48 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  cassilda in carcosa  ·  5/2/2023, 3:43 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  mirfak  ·  5/2/2023, 11:16 AM
Re: Txunamy  ·  Anneza  ·  5/2/2023, 5:58 AM
Re: Txunamy  ·  namesarecool285  ·  5/2/2023, 4:42 AM
Re: Txunamy  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  5/1/2023, 8:06 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  Ani  ·  5/1/2023, 6:50 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  Wraith  ·  5/1/2023, 6:07 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  travis  ·  4/21/2024, 5:42 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  travis  ·  4/21/2024, 5:44 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  )(  ·  5/1/2023, 5:49 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  travis  ·  4/21/2024, 5:30 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  travis  ·  4/21/2024, 5:09 PM
Re: Txunamy  ·  travis  ·  4/21/2024, 4:54 PM