[Opinions] Names!
I love old names and 2 middle names. These right now are my favorites for girls,
Leonora Elowen Florence
Imogen Frances Audra I love flower names too as long as they aren’t overly used! My boys names need help! I only have August and Noah on my whole list! Please help, suggestions for both girls and boys please!
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Suggestions for girls:
Marigold, Delilah, Eloise, Magnolia, Linnea, Annabel, HazelSuggestions for boys:
Cecil, Simon, Julius, Aubrey, Hugo, Calvin, Ambrose, Lewis
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I completely adore Elowen! It seems I've been hearing it more and more frequently throughout the past several years, which I love. I've also been anticipating fof it to enter the charts, and maybe that will finally become a reality on Friday. 🙂🤞🏻 It has a lovely classic feel to it but is also completely fresh. Leonora is lovely too. However the combination of Leonora Elowen Florence feels too 'L' heavy and is rather lengthy. The 2nd name would be my pick, simply because of the better flow it has. Ideas for boys names:Austin
ColeFeel free to check out my PNL's. Plenty of names to search through & hopefully inspire. ☺️

This message was edited 5/10/2023, 7:25 PM

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