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[Opinions] Re: Cindy.
I really dislike Cynthia for its unpleasant s and th sounds too close together and the picture I get of a grouchy-faced teacher who is just counting the days till she can retire.
Cindy is cute in a rather flaky way. A 1970s cheerleader in hot pants and go-go boots.
Lucinda is goofy to me, like a cartoon girl with pigtails and big round eyes and maybe a magic rocking horse or something.So, I guess I'd pick Cindy over the other two; but if I really disliked Cindy I'd avoid Cynthia. Lucinda would probably be about as likely to be called Lucy as Cindy. (Don't like Lucy either, it's just dumb-sounding.)Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin
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