[Opinions] Killian?
What do you think of the name Killian? It's kind of grown on me lately. And even though I know what most of the responses will be, what do you think of the name Killian on a girl?
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One of my favourites . . .. . . only when spelt Cillian. Then it's great. I'm keeping my fingers crossed it doesn't get popular here. I think it's at #50 or #60 now.
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I only ever knew a girl named Killian, while I was in college. it's always reminded me of the beer. As a general rule, I like to stay away from any name that's also a brand name.
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I quite like the name, but prefer it spelled either Cillian or Kilian (both decrease "kill" associations, I think). It isn't my favourite Irish name (and I love many), but it's nice and unusual.
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My DH and I actually considered it for our son but it reminded us too much of beer. I think it's kind of cool (boy only).
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Looks and sounds like "Kill Ian" to meIt's nmsaa for a boy because it's so violent-sounding, and it's downright terrible for a girl because the violent aura is compounded by Killian being a truly male name. It isn't even unisex, it's 100% male and always has been.Miranda
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Love Killian on a boy, not so much on a girl
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I kinda like it but would never use it because 1) I'm not Irish. 2) It reminds too many people of killing. 3) In the US it's the name of a beer (some people point out that the beer's actual name is George Killian's Irish Red but that makes no difference to me; everyone calls it Killian's).I believe surnames are unisex but only like Killian on a boy.
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Well first off, I hate it on a girl. It's a nice name for a boy, but I just can't get past the "kill" in it.
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too violent for my taste,:( :) ;) ;( :P
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As my response almost always is, I only like it on a boy. However, it is not a personal favorite of mine.
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It's too trendy, and besides that, when I hear it I think of "kill" or, as Array said, the beer. It's much too masculine for a girl.
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Killian is awful on a girl, and too trendy on a boy... I also don't like the "Kill Yann" connotation. lol
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Sorry any name with the word kill in it just isn't mt style.
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I really don't like it on either gender--the word "kill" at the beginning just (excuse me for saying it) kills the name for me. Awful sounding, no good nicknames, and about as gentle as Hunter.Blech.Array
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Oh, and...(m)When I see it, I think of Killian's Red, which is one of my mother's favourite beers.Array
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