[Games] Aug 28: Obscure Count-Along-CAF (edited)
All names are from Montana obituaries. Nicknames are in brackets, but you are not obliged to use them.
LN: Your choice
- They have three daughters and three sons
- Roll a d10 for each name (http://www.brockjones.com/dieroller/dice.htm)
- You can skip similar names
You can use my format or roll a d4 for the number of their children. Flip a coin for their genders (head=girl, tail=boy).
Bertha Dovey Enarcissa Osa Ocena Bernice Robina Artemis Dorthea Muriel Lavelle Almeda Arna Berna Lodean Vida Willetta Karey Lenita Anelia Myra Levene Twyla Ursula Mayme Akiko Almira(al-my-ra) Rosetta Bergene Euphema Lula Bari Hilda Gayle Alette Beda Claris Junetta Erma Hulda Charlotta Randie Artie Alva Birgitta Thelma Ettie Salome Hildrah Joe Mella Alfreda Magdaline Arline Leda Una Dove Montana(Tanna) Berha Perl LaMae Alcina Elva Madie Darcelle(Darcy) Leone Zong Lenette Lavisa Effa Roseair Myrna Ina Mamie Wavie Emogene Hedwig Scott Wahaneetah(1908) Orpah Hortenza Adrenia Verna Sylva Deloris Albertina Thora Inga Clarice Alzora Cordellia Alberta Marvel(1918) Merle Thayne Rosetta Leatha Oma Ardes Bridgy Lavinda Lee Geneva Maurine Fannie Lanona(Jane) Saveria(Sylvia) Blodwyn Effie Rhilda Arina Brita Amelila Beryl Mercedine Maranda Alousia Domina Philena Alta Marella Elvira Mozell Marintha Marijeanne Villa Theda Jewell Gerlach Albertina Rue Alyce Beulah Barbie Claribel Rosmarie Donacienne LaVerne Orize Zora Tereasa Onetta Rosella Bea Ocie Ovilla Demaree Etoile Elna Narcissa Mettie Selia Albertine Junietta Clarice Adelle Irma Essie Ima Aleen Nelma Elmina Almetta Edna Quindera Rosina Della Cody_Ann Jeraldean(Jessie) Orla Veramae Regina Lucietta Eugenie Lenore Ingrid Wilda Elda Altha Orissa Celestia Lyda Mayme Althea Arletta Leta Loy Modeste Eupheme Euphemie Flevie Herta Wilhelmine Laurice Leona(Lionie) Montana Onez Zetta Iola Bonel Darlyene(1925) Selma Garnet
Leelyn Wells Alvah Emory Horace Blethyn Varian Eldridge Aloysius Braxton Christ Webster Welles Roccas Galen Homer Clifton Boy Kincaid Hiram Morice Lloyd Milton Murray Opie March Haskell Burton Massenello Arved Ervin Dewey Gust Gustav Hilmer Jennaro Roswell Shelby Lyle Argin Loel Gale Nels Aleck Ellis Leslie Alpheus Mills Maxson(1923) Natale Johannes Monty Watson Deneen Herman Lynde Nestor Carmen Melbourne Lamar Merrick Gilchrist Lloydell Barton Fredinand Truman Donson Hallas Odean Meyer Merle Byron Merwin Henning Herman Amund Hubert Orrie Eldyn Newton Selmer Major Lauren Vito Bridger Clairmont Delmar(Riley) Earldean(Deannie) Guy Lynn Osgood Tracy Verne Deloss Meredith Holger Kendall Moise Keynyn Blaine Prosper Orlie Jae Grover Cleveland Darwin Oakley Burr Linn Rudolph Boyd Hosea Stark Alvin Dautis Dennison Verlon Omer Valentine Rulon Carroll Quincy Reed(mother's maiden name) Lilburn(Lee) Leonides Dillen Ruell Amie Gaspard Ulric Lafayette Corlus Bert Napoleon Jacobus Casius Gannon Wren Berry(Dan) Merton Hartley Atha Grady Ambrose Sylvanis Wilsie Maynard Hardie Winfield Jan Buddy Carolius(Charlie) Burt Elmo Graydon Kermit Sherman Albenie(Bennie) Alphonse Amable Damas Eloi Florian Fidel Levit Vital Xavier Wasyl Zephrim(Jeff) Zephirin Caris Winthrop Rainy

LN: Your choice
- They have three daughters and three sons
- Roll a d10 for each name (http://www.brockjones.com/dieroller/dice.htm)
- You can skip similar names
You can use my format or roll a d4 for the number of their children. Flip a coin for their genders (head=girl, tail=boy).
Bertha Dovey Enarcissa Osa Ocena Bernice Robina Artemis Dorthea Muriel Lavelle Almeda Arna Berna Lodean Vida Willetta Karey Lenita Anelia Myra Levene Twyla Ursula Mayme Akiko Almira(al-my-ra) Rosetta Bergene Euphema Lula Bari Hilda Gayle Alette Beda Claris Junetta Erma Hulda Charlotta Randie Artie Alva Birgitta Thelma Ettie Salome Hildrah Joe Mella Alfreda Magdaline Arline Leda Una Dove Montana(Tanna) Berha Perl LaMae Alcina Elva Madie Darcelle(Darcy) Leone Zong Lenette Lavisa Effa Roseair Myrna Ina Mamie Wavie Emogene Hedwig Scott Wahaneetah(1908) Orpah Hortenza Adrenia Verna Sylva Deloris Albertina Thora Inga Clarice Alzora Cordellia Alberta Marvel(1918) Merle Thayne Rosetta Leatha Oma Ardes Bridgy Lavinda Lee Geneva Maurine Fannie Lanona(Jane) Saveria(Sylvia) Blodwyn Effie Rhilda Arina Brita Amelila Beryl Mercedine Maranda Alousia Domina Philena Alta Marella Elvira Mozell Marintha Marijeanne Villa Theda Jewell Gerlach Albertina Rue Alyce Beulah Barbie Claribel Rosmarie Donacienne LaVerne Orize Zora Tereasa Onetta Rosella Bea Ocie Ovilla Demaree Etoile Elna Narcissa Mettie Selia Albertine Junietta Clarice Adelle Irma Essie Ima Aleen Nelma Elmina Almetta Edna Quindera Rosina Della Cody_Ann Jeraldean(Jessie) Orla Veramae Regina Lucietta Eugenie Lenore Ingrid Wilda Elda Altha Orissa Celestia Lyda Mayme Althea Arletta Leta Loy Modeste Eupheme Euphemie Flevie Herta Wilhelmine Laurice Leona(Lionie) Montana Onez Zetta Iola Bonel Darlyene(1925) Selma Garnet
Leelyn Wells Alvah Emory Horace Blethyn Varian Eldridge Aloysius Braxton Christ Webster Welles Roccas Galen Homer Clifton Boy Kincaid Hiram Morice Lloyd Milton Murray Opie March Haskell Burton Massenello Arved Ervin Dewey Gust Gustav Hilmer Jennaro Roswell Shelby Lyle Argin Loel Gale Nels Aleck Ellis Leslie Alpheus Mills Maxson(1923) Natale Johannes Monty Watson Deneen Herman Lynde Nestor Carmen Melbourne Lamar Merrick Gilchrist Lloydell Barton Fredinand Truman Donson Hallas Odean Meyer Merle Byron Merwin Henning Herman Amund Hubert Orrie Eldyn Newton Selmer Major Lauren Vito Bridger Clairmont Delmar(Riley) Earldean(Deannie) Guy Lynn Osgood Tracy Verne Deloss Meredith Holger Kendall Moise Keynyn Blaine Prosper Orlie Jae Grover Cleveland Darwin Oakley Burr Linn Rudolph Boyd Hosea Stark Alvin Dautis Dennison Verlon Omer Valentine Rulon Carroll Quincy Reed(mother's maiden name) Lilburn(Lee) Leonides Dillen Ruell Amie Gaspard Ulric Lafayette Corlus Bert Napoleon Jacobus Casius Gannon Wren Berry(Dan) Merton Hartley Atha Grady Ambrose Sylvanis Wilsie Maynard Hardie Winfield Jan Buddy Carolius(Charlie) Burt Elmo Graydon Kermit Sherman Albenie(Bennie) Alphonse Amable Damas Eloi Florian Fidel Levit Vital Xavier Wasyl Zephrim(Jeff) Zephirin Caris Winthrop Rainy

This message was edited 8/29/2023, 5:05 AM
DH: Leelyn Aloysius Giles
DW: Dovey Dorthea Giles (nee Wilkerson)
DS1: Roccas Hiram Giles
DD1: Almeda Lodean Giles
DS2: Haskell Massenello Giles
DS3: Gustav Aleck Giles
DD2: Anelia Myra Giles
DD3: Bergene Bari Giles “Berry”
Leelyn & Dovey Giles: Roccas, Almeda, Haskell, Gustav, Anelia, & Berry
DS1: Roccas Hiram Giles
DW: Beda Alva Giles (nee Moreno)
DD: Joe Montana Giles “Ana”
DD: Alcina Zong Giles
DS: Deneen Herman Giles “Deen”
Roccas & Beda Giles: Ana, Alcina, & Deen
DD1: Almeda Lodean Arnold (nee Giles)
DH: Lamar Lloydell Arnold
DS: Merwin Amund Arnold
DD: Emogene Scott Arnold “Gina”
DD: Sylva Alzora Arnold
Alemda & Lamar Arnold: Merwin, Gina, & Sylva
DS2: Haskell Massenello Giles
DW: Marvel Rosetta Giles (nee Shepherd)
DD: Maurine Fannie Giles
Haskell & Marvel Giles: Maurine
DS3: Gustav Aleck Giles
DW: Lanona Arina Giles (nee Klune)
DD: Beryl Philena Giles
DS: Orrie Eldyn Giles
DS: Vito Osgood Giles
Gustav & Lanona Giles: Beryl, Orrie, & Vito
DD2: Anelia Myra Sanderson (nee Giles)
DH: Prosper Burr Sanderson
DD: Marijeanne Barbie Sanderson “Mari”
DS: Dautis Leonides Sanderson
DD: Bea Demaree Sanderson
Anelia & Prosper Sanderson: Mari, Dautis, & Bea
DD3: Bergene Bari Parker (nee Giles) “Berry”
DH: Ulric Corlus Parker
DS: Hartley Winfield Parker
DS: Sherman Albenie Parker
DD: Clarice Adelle Parker
Berry & Ulric Parker: Hartley, Sherman, & Clarice
DW: Dovey Dorthea Giles (nee Wilkerson)
DS1: Roccas Hiram Giles
DD1: Almeda Lodean Giles
DS2: Haskell Massenello Giles
DS3: Gustav Aleck Giles
DD2: Anelia Myra Giles
DD3: Bergene Bari Giles “Berry”
Leelyn & Dovey Giles: Roccas, Almeda, Haskell, Gustav, Anelia, & Berry
DS1: Roccas Hiram Giles
DW: Beda Alva Giles (nee Moreno)
DD: Joe Montana Giles “Ana”
DD: Alcina Zong Giles
DS: Deneen Herman Giles “Deen”
Roccas & Beda Giles: Ana, Alcina, & Deen
DD1: Almeda Lodean Arnold (nee Giles)
DH: Lamar Lloydell Arnold
DS: Merwin Amund Arnold
DD: Emogene Scott Arnold “Gina”
DD: Sylva Alzora Arnold
Alemda & Lamar Arnold: Merwin, Gina, & Sylva
DS2: Haskell Massenello Giles
DW: Marvel Rosetta Giles (nee Shepherd)
DD: Maurine Fannie Giles
Haskell & Marvel Giles: Maurine
DS3: Gustav Aleck Giles
DW: Lanona Arina Giles (nee Klune)
DD: Beryl Philena Giles
DS: Orrie Eldyn Giles
DS: Vito Osgood Giles
Gustav & Lanona Giles: Beryl, Orrie, & Vito
DD2: Anelia Myra Sanderson (nee Giles)
DH: Prosper Burr Sanderson
DD: Marijeanne Barbie Sanderson “Mari”
DS: Dautis Leonides Sanderson
DD: Bea Demaree Sanderson
Anelia & Prosper Sanderson: Mari, Dautis, & Bea
DD3: Bergene Bari Parker (nee Giles) “Berry”
DH: Ulric Corlus Parker
DS: Hartley Winfield Parker
DS: Sherman Albenie Parker
DD: Clarice Adelle Parker
Berry & Ulric Parker: Hartley, Sherman, & Clarice
DH: Wells Blethyn Ironside
DW: Bertha Enarcissa Lonsdale
DS1: Eldridge Roccas Ironside
DD1: Osanne Berna "Osa" Ironside
DS2: Kincaid March Ironside
DS3: Augustus Hilmer "Gust" Ironside
DD2: Myra Twyla Ironside
DD3: Bergene Euphema Ironside
DW: Bertha Enarcissa Lonsdale
DS1: Eldridge Roccas Ironside
DD1: Osanne Berna "Osa" Ironside
DS2: Kincaid March Ironside
DS3: Augustus Hilmer "Gust" Ironside
DD2: Myra Twyla Ironside
DD3: Bergene Euphema Ironside
This message was edited 8/31/2023, 5:51 PM
counting backwards!!!!
DH: Vital Amable Leclair
DW: Zetta Wilhelmine [Hoch] Leclair
DS1: Buddy Atha Leclair
DD1: Flevie Modeste Leclair
DS2: Wren Casius Leclair
DS3: Amie Rulon Leclair
DD2: Arletta Ingrid Leclair
DD3: Eugenie Della Leclair
Vital and Zetta with Buddy, Flevie, Wren, Amie, Arletta, and Eugenie
DH: Buddy Atha Leclair
DW: Aleen Ima [Oppenheimer] Leclair
DD: Selia Etoile Leclair
DD: LaVerne Rue Leclair
DS: Dautis Darwin Leclair
Buddy and Aleen with Selia, LaVerne, and Dautis
DH: Moise Verne Wiseau
DW: Flevie Modeste [Leclair] Wiseau
DS: Tracy Earldean Wiseau
DD: Elvira Beryl Wiseau
DD: Brita Lanona Wiseau
Moise and Flevie with Tracy, Elvira, and Brita
DH: Wren Casius Leclair
DW: Fannie Lavinda [O'Rourke] Leclair
DD: Rosetta Inga Leclair
Wren and Fannie with Rosetta
DH: Amie Rulon Leclair
DW: Orpah Myrna [Ziskind] Leclair
DD: Effa Lavisa Leclair
DS: Selmer Orrie Leclair
DS: Henning Merwin Leclair
Amie and Orpah with Effa, Selmer, and Henning
DH: Fredinand Melbourne Jones
DW: Arletta Ingrid [Leclair] Jones
DD: Zong Darcelle Jones
DS: Herman Leslie Jones
DD: Una Magdaline Jones
Fredinand and Arletta with Zong, Herman, and Una
DH: Gale Shelby King
DW: Eugenie Della [Leclair] King
DS: Burton Kincaid King
DS: Christ Eldridge King
DD: Joe Salome King
Gale and Eugenie with Burton, Christ, and Joe
DH: Vital Amable Leclair
DW: Zetta Wilhelmine [Hoch] Leclair
DS1: Buddy Atha Leclair
DD1: Flevie Modeste Leclair
DS2: Wren Casius Leclair
DS3: Amie Rulon Leclair
DD2: Arletta Ingrid Leclair
DD3: Eugenie Della Leclair
Vital and Zetta with Buddy, Flevie, Wren, Amie, Arletta, and Eugenie
DH: Buddy Atha Leclair
DW: Aleen Ima [Oppenheimer] Leclair
DD: Selia Etoile Leclair
DD: LaVerne Rue Leclair
DS: Dautis Darwin Leclair
Buddy and Aleen with Selia, LaVerne, and Dautis
DH: Moise Verne Wiseau
DW: Flevie Modeste [Leclair] Wiseau
DS: Tracy Earldean Wiseau
DD: Elvira Beryl Wiseau
DD: Brita Lanona Wiseau
Moise and Flevie with Tracy, Elvira, and Brita
DH: Wren Casius Leclair
DW: Fannie Lavinda [O'Rourke] Leclair
DD: Rosetta Inga Leclair
Wren and Fannie with Rosetta
DH: Amie Rulon Leclair
DW: Orpah Myrna [Ziskind] Leclair
DD: Effa Lavisa Leclair
DS: Selmer Orrie Leclair
DS: Henning Merwin Leclair
Amie and Orpah with Effa, Selmer, and Henning
DH: Fredinand Melbourne Jones
DW: Arletta Ingrid [Leclair] Jones
DD: Zong Darcelle Jones
DS: Herman Leslie Jones
DD: Una Magdaline Jones
Fredinand and Arletta with Zong, Herman, and Una
DH: Gale Shelby King
DW: Eugenie Della [Leclair] King
DS: Burton Kincaid King
DS: Christ Eldridge King
DD: Joe Salome King
Gale and Eugenie with Burton, Christ, and Joe
DH: Aloysius Christ Bishop
DW: Bertha Dovey {Fallon} Bishop
DS: Galen Clifton Bishop
- DW: Ocena Robina {Cortez} Bishop
- DD: Arna Lenita Bishop
- DD: Myra Lula Bishop
DD: Junetta Erma {Bishop} Lawton
- DH: March Ervin Lawton
- DD: Salome Arline Lawton
DS: Argin Loel Bishop
- DW: Alcina Lavisa {Andres} Bishop
- DS: Natale Lamar Bishop
DD: Scott Thora {Bishop} Jenson
- DH: Truman Herman Jenson
- DD: Alberta Oma Jenson
- DS: Vito Verne Jenson
- DS: Moise Keynyn Jenson
- DS: Prosper Darwin Jenson
DD: Maurine Amelila {Bishop} Cohen
- DH: Boyd Hosea Cohen
- DS: Dautis Quincy Cohen
- DD: Domina Villa Cohen
- DD: Gerlach Barbie Cohen
DS: Amie Corlus Bishop
- DW: Onetta Ocie {Martino} Bishop
- DS: Wren Wilsie Bishop
- DD: Clarice Almetta Bishop
- DS: Burt Elmo Bishop
DW: Bertha Dovey {Fallon} Bishop
DS: Galen Clifton Bishop
- DW: Ocena Robina {Cortez} Bishop
- DD: Arna Lenita Bishop
- DD: Myra Lula Bishop
DD: Junetta Erma {Bishop} Lawton
- DH: March Ervin Lawton
- DD: Salome Arline Lawton
DS: Argin Loel Bishop
- DW: Alcina Lavisa {Andres} Bishop
- DS: Natale Lamar Bishop
DD: Scott Thora {Bishop} Jenson
- DH: Truman Herman Jenson
- DD: Alberta Oma Jenson
- DS: Vito Verne Jenson
- DS: Moise Keynyn Jenson
- DS: Prosper Darwin Jenson
DD: Maurine Amelila {Bishop} Cohen
- DH: Boyd Hosea Cohen
- DS: Dautis Quincy Cohen
- DD: Domina Villa Cohen
- DD: Gerlach Barbie Cohen
DS: Amie Corlus Bishop
- DW: Onetta Ocie {Martino} Bishop
- DS: Wren Wilsie Bishop
- DD: Clarice Almetta Bishop
- DS: Burt Elmo Bishop
Varian Eldridge ❤️Bernice Lodean
Webster Hiram
Myra Levene
Haskell Massenello
Gust Gale
Bergene Alette "Birdie"
Beda Claris
[Varian & Bernice || Webster, Myra, Haskell, Gust, Birdie, Beda]
Webster Hiram ❤️ Huldah Joe
Berha Lenette "Berrie"
Emogene Wahaneetah
Maxson Melbourne
[Webster & Huldah || Berrie, Emogene, Maxson]
Myra Levene ❤️ Lamar Merrick
Merle Herman
Thora Alzora
Ardes Fannie
Myra & Lamar || Merle, Thora, Ardes]
Haskell Massenello ❤️ Lanona Blodwyn
Maranda Villa
Haskell & Lanona || Maranda]
Gust Gale ❤️ Rue Claribel
Orize Ovilla
Selmer Lynn
Blaine Darwin
[Gust & Rue || Orize, Selmer, Blaine]
Bergene Alette "Birdie" ❤️ Dautis Omer
Albertine Junietta
Carroll Leonides
Almetta Rosina
[Birdie & Dautis || Albertine, Carroll, Almetta]
Beda Claris ❤️ Lafayette Merton
Winfield Elmo
Fidel Winthrop
Orla Regina
Beda & Lafayette || Winfield, Fidel, Orla]
DH: Eldridge Homer
DW: Dorthea Lodean
DS: Hiram Burton
— DW: Alfreda Una
— DD: Montana Madie
— DD: Lavisa Mamie
— DD: Adrenia Alzora
DS: Shelby Mills
— DW: Bridgy Effie
— DD: Rhilda Alousia
DD: Lenita Anelia
— DH: Merwin Orrie
— DS: Bridger Deloss
— DS: Grover Rudolph
— DD: Marijeanne Albertina
DS: Nestor Lloydell
— DW: Beulah Clairbel
— DD: Onetta Demaree
— DS: Boyd Hosea
DD: Akiko Euphema
— DH: Dautis Lilburn
— DD: Elna Junietta
— DS: Leonides Bert
— DD: Ima Della
DD: Hulda Thelma
— DH: Merton Atha
— DD: Lucietta Orissa
— DS: Maynard Jan
— DD: Arletta Loy
— DD: Herta Laurice
DW: Dorthea Lodean
DS: Hiram Burton
— DW: Alfreda Una
— DD: Montana Madie
— DD: Lavisa Mamie
— DD: Adrenia Alzora
DS: Shelby Mills
— DW: Bridgy Effie
— DD: Rhilda Alousia
DD: Lenita Anelia
— DH: Merwin Orrie
— DS: Bridger Deloss
— DS: Grover Rudolph
— DD: Marijeanne Albertina
DS: Nestor Lloydell
— DW: Beulah Clairbel
— DD: Onetta Demaree
— DS: Boyd Hosea
DD: Akiko Euphema
— DH: Dautis Lilburn
— DD: Elna Junietta
— DS: Leonides Bert
— DD: Ima Della
DD: Hulda Thelma
— DH: Merton Atha
— DD: Lucietta Orissa
— DS: Maynard Jan
— DD: Arletta Loy
— DD: Herta Laurice
DH: Eldridge Braxton
DW: Dorthea Berna
DD: Lenita Almira
- DH: Shelby Loel
- DS: Natale Deneen
- DS: Nestor Fredinand
DS: Welles Kincaid
- DW: Montana Leone "Tanna"
- DD: Lenette Mamie
- DD: Wavie Scott
DD: Bergene Beda
- DH: Herman Amund
- DS: Lauren Osgood
- DD: Inga Merle
DS: Haskell Massenello
- DW: Leatha Ardes
- DS: Deloss Prosper
- DD: Maurine Amelila
- DS: Grover Alvin
- DD: Alta Gerlach
DS: Ervin Jennaro
- DW: Claribel Rosmarie
- DD: Donacienne Demaree
DD: Thelma Salome
- DH: Reed Corlus
- DD: Junietta Elmina
- DD: Regina Altha
Eldrige and Dorthea with Lenita, Welles, Bergene, Haskell, Ervin, and Thelma
- Lenita and Shelby with Natale and Nestor
- Welles and Tanna with Lenette and Wavie
- Bergene and Herman with Lauren and Inga
- Haskell and Leatha with Deloss, Maurine, Grover, and Alta
- Ervin and Claribel with Donacienne
- Thelma and Reed with Junietta and Regina
DW: Dorthea Berna
DD: Lenita Almira
- DH: Shelby Loel
- DS: Natale Deneen
- DS: Nestor Fredinand
DS: Welles Kincaid
- DW: Montana Leone "Tanna"
- DD: Lenette Mamie
- DD: Wavie Scott
DD: Bergene Beda
- DH: Herman Amund
- DS: Lauren Osgood
- DD: Inga Merle
DS: Haskell Massenello
- DW: Leatha Ardes
- DS: Deloss Prosper
- DD: Maurine Amelila
- DS: Grover Alvin
- DD: Alta Gerlach
DS: Ervin Jennaro
- DW: Claribel Rosmarie
- DD: Donacienne Demaree
DD: Thelma Salome
- DH: Reed Corlus
- DD: Junietta Elmina
- DD: Regina Altha
Eldrige and Dorthea with Lenita, Welles, Bergene, Haskell, Ervin, and Thelma
- Lenita and Shelby with Natale and Nestor
- Welles and Tanna with Lenette and Wavie
- Bergene and Herman with Lauren and Inga
- Haskell and Leatha with Deloss, Maurine, Grover, and Alta
- Ervin and Claribel with Donacienne
- Thelma and Reed with Junietta and Regina