[Opinions] Billie
What do you think of Billie for a girl? Hmm. Your ideas are intriguing to me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
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Makes me think of Billie Holiday, which, for me at least, is a very positive connection.
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I LOVE it!
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I used to hate it (it's a male goat, c'mon), but I don't mind it anymore. I blame Billie Eilish. And I do like Sybilla and Jean.I still hate Frankie and dislike Robbie and Bobbie. And I don't like Billy for boys, although I do think it's better than Willy.

This message was edited 9/12/2023, 3:21 AM

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Don't like it at all
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i think of billie from “days of our lives”. i like it. it’s not expected and bad in a cute way.
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I think it's one of the mre familiar but less attractive boy-nicknames-for-girls. I don't especially care for Billy on a boy either.
I like Bobbi/Bobbie better.
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It’s ok, especially as a nickname for something longer like Wilhelmina. Both have spunk.
In general though I prefer Bobbie as a nickname for a girl slightly more.
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