[Opinions] Charity vs Cherish
And why?Thoughts on both appreciated.BQ: Wdyt of Cherry?
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Great meanings, but kind of overbearing to name humans. Charity sounds more like a name but Cherish sounds prettier if that makes sense? I would use one of them as middle names. They seem too intense as first names.
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Charity. I had a crush on this name since I was a teenager. It's warm and stable. And "Char" really does something for me as a nickname. Cherish is a little mushy. Kind of gives me "Precious" vibes.
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Well, I LOVE Cherry, so I guess I would choose Charity nn Cherry (I think there’s a Dickens character Charity nn Cherrry + The Greatest Showman character too, which is one of my fav movies). Cherish is nice too but I think it’s really good in the middle spot.
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I prefer the ending to Charity over Cherish (sounds like churlish). It sounds bright and inviting, like Clarity or Felicity.
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Don't like either, Cherish is a little better
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I definitely prefer Cherish and I love Cherry!
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Cherish because it’s less common where I am. Cherry is even better!
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