[Games] Results of CAF (without namebank)
These are the results . . .
Last Name
1. Blair (mum2bubba)
2. Daniels (Samantha)
3. McNaughton (Jen)
1. Nathanael Asa (Julia)
2. Jaymes Asa (Keepskuh)
3. Jackson Alexandre (Jen)
1. Rebecca Rachel (sarah lee)
2. Roseanna Eve (Ceevie)
3. Hanna Tabea (rainbow_Maya)
Child #1: DS
1. Nathaniel Jackson (Julia)
2. Alexander Winston (Rose)
3. Tony Regan (mum2bubba)
Child #2: DD
1. Sophia Janet (sarah lee)
2. Sophie Linnaea (LIMEGREEN)
3. Kayla Chrishelle (mum2bubba)
Child #3: DD
1. Tabitha Roseanna (Cera)
2. Marigail Roselyn (Rose)
3. Margail Royn (LIMEGREEN)
Child #4&5: DS/DS (together)
1. Gabriel Matthew and Michael Andrew (Rose)
2. James Aidan and Jonathan Hayden (Julia)
3. Evan Landon and Ethan Brandon (Vraiment)
DS/DS Separately (only one since both are boys)
1. Benjamin Hayden (Keepskuh)
2. Aaron Lee (mum2bubba)
3. James Aidan (Julia)
Child #6: DS
1. Roosevelt Joash (Mar)
2. Reagan Isaiah (Samantha)
3. Reagan Matteo (Ceevie)
Child #7: DD
1. Hope Madison (Rose)
2. Faith Madison (Ceevie)
3. Verity Jordan (chickenlicken)
Child #8: DS
1. Paul Nicholas (Julia)
2. William Joel (mum2bubba)
3. Benjamin Vere (sarah lee)
Child #9, 10, & 11: DD/DD/DD
1. Ava Sierra, Bethany Rebekah, and Charlotte Reba (mum2bubba)
2. Adelaide Reva, Bianca Pearl, and Celia Marguerite (Caroline Mae)
3. Alice Elisabeth, Bethany Corissa, and Cassandra Elise (Jen)
DD/DD/DD Separately (only one because all are girls)
1. Bethany Rebekah (mum2bubba)
2. Bethany Corissa (Jen)
3. Chloe Yael (Samantha)
And the scores . . . (Let me know if there are many mistakes)
mum2bubba – 14
Julia - 12
Rose – 10
sarah lee – 6
Samantha – 5
Jen – 5
Keepskuh – 5
Ceevie – 5
Mar – 3
Cera – 3
Caroline Mae – 2
Vraiment – 1
rainbow_Maya -1
chickenlicken - 1
Congratulations and thanks for playing!
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
~~~ John 3:16
Last Name
1. Blair (mum2bubba)
2. Daniels (Samantha)
3. McNaughton (Jen)
1. Nathanael Asa (Julia)
2. Jaymes Asa (Keepskuh)
3. Jackson Alexandre (Jen)
1. Rebecca Rachel (sarah lee)
2. Roseanna Eve (Ceevie)
3. Hanna Tabea (rainbow_Maya)
Child #1: DS
1. Nathaniel Jackson (Julia)
2. Alexander Winston (Rose)
3. Tony Regan (mum2bubba)
Child #2: DD
1. Sophia Janet (sarah lee)
2. Sophie Linnaea (LIMEGREEN)
3. Kayla Chrishelle (mum2bubba)
Child #3: DD
1. Tabitha Roseanna (Cera)
2. Marigail Roselyn (Rose)
3. Margail Royn (LIMEGREEN)
Child #4&5: DS/DS (together)
1. Gabriel Matthew and Michael Andrew (Rose)
2. James Aidan and Jonathan Hayden (Julia)
3. Evan Landon and Ethan Brandon (Vraiment)
DS/DS Separately (only one since both are boys)
1. Benjamin Hayden (Keepskuh)
2. Aaron Lee (mum2bubba)
3. James Aidan (Julia)
Child #6: DS
1. Roosevelt Joash (Mar)
2. Reagan Isaiah (Samantha)
3. Reagan Matteo (Ceevie)
Child #7: DD
1. Hope Madison (Rose)
2. Faith Madison (Ceevie)
3. Verity Jordan (chickenlicken)
Child #8: DS
1. Paul Nicholas (Julia)
2. William Joel (mum2bubba)
3. Benjamin Vere (sarah lee)
Child #9, 10, & 11: DD/DD/DD
1. Ava Sierra, Bethany Rebekah, and Charlotte Reba (mum2bubba)
2. Adelaide Reva, Bianca Pearl, and Celia Marguerite (Caroline Mae)
3. Alice Elisabeth, Bethany Corissa, and Cassandra Elise (Jen)
DD/DD/DD Separately (only one because all are girls)
1. Bethany Rebekah (mum2bubba)
2. Bethany Corissa (Jen)
3. Chloe Yael (Samantha)
And the scores . . . (Let me know if there are many mistakes)
mum2bubba – 14
Julia - 12
Rose – 10
sarah lee – 6
Samantha – 5
Jen – 5
Keepskuh – 5
Ceevie – 5
Mar – 3
Cera – 3
Caroline Mae – 2
Vraiment – 1
rainbow_Maya -1
chickenlicken - 1
Congratulations and thanks for playing!
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."
~~~ John 3:16
5th yey!


Wow, 3rd place! Thanks ^_^

Thanks! :)
Thank you so much!!! I had fun playing
Thank you for liking one of my combos :)

Oooh, not bad! Thanks!
thank you for doing a judged CAF. I love them so much!
Life is not messured by breaths you take but by moments that take your breathe away.
Life is not messured by breaths you take but by moments that take your breathe away.