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[Opinions] Re: Top 10 for December
No symbol means it has remained the same as last month.
(+?) or (-?) is how much it has moved from last month.
(new) means it is new from last month.1. Abigail (+7)
2. Mary
3. Hannah (+4)
4. Naomi (-1)
5. Primrose (-4)
6. Cora (+3)
7. Lucy (-1)
8. Margot (-3)
9. Katherine (new)
10. Ida (new)Honourable mentions to Vera and Margaret.1. Nathaniel
2. Luke
3. Gabriel
4. Ezekiel (new)
5. Christopher (back from September 2022!)
6. John
7. Benedict (new)
8. Matthew (-4)
9. Alexander (back from August)
10. Elijah (new)Honourable mentions to Peter, David, and Nicholas.Big changes to my top 10 list this month…but there have been big changes to my list in general, lots of deletion, so makes sense :) Happy December everyone!

This message was edited 12/2/2023, 12:34 AM

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