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[Opinions] What name do you think is the ‘best girl’s name’?
I'm curious to know your thoughts on which name is the 'best girl's name'.
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Interesting question. I have a top 8…Abigail Hannah Naomi Mary Primrose Lucy Margot Cora Even though it’s not my number 1, I’d say Lucy is the best girl name. It’s been on my list since the age of 5 (longest standing name!), it’s classic without being dated, it fits everybody, it has a lovely sound and lovely meaning, and it’s a feminine form of my late grandpa’s name so I could use it to honour him.
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I used to think Lucy; was sure I'd name my daughter Lucy until I saw her. How a newborn can NOT look like any name, I don't know, but she certainly didn't look like a Lucy. I also love Laura, but can't use it because we were always going to use my mother's name, which is Beatrice, and it would have been too Italian-poetry.
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